That which projects and sustains the universe also knows how to look after it in the best possible way, without our fussy, well-meaning interference, although we may be duly used. If one has such firm faith and clear awareness, then our ambitions and desires to change the world drop away.
More and more, maturely developed people do not lose their intelligence and activity in old body age. They remain radiantly wise to the end of their lifespan. Inner development evidently overrules the influence of age in such people. The content prevails over the outer shell. It innerstands at joyous ease. The developed consciousnesses transform their bodies to their needs and aims.
On one level of ego-consciousness, duality, sex, desires and fears reign supreme, while on another level they cease to matter: we are free in them. In a third mode of awareness, they cease to exist.
On this plane, vibrations and intuitions (“the peaks of intelligence”) are reflected as consciousness, or acting intelligence. The majority of us cannot imagine existence without the visible world that surrounds us. Innerstand: live your Self in conscious awareness, or aware consciousness.
There is also unconscious awareness and affectionate detachment. Sahaja Samadhi is just pure Being Awareness Grace, the silent and all embracing wisdom, the Light that is without shadow.
Be in the world and not of it. Be a witness, not participating in all that happens around you, in all conditions. Do not be attached to these conditions but, in affectionate detachment and affectionate awareness, be free in the interplay. It is Swadharma in Swalila.
The one thing that matters is to find, aware and experience the inner silence and not merely talk about it. Rare are those who find, and numerous are those who talk without having had due experience. Silence is the best. It is Self-revealing.
The man who has reached absolute detachment from all illusions and everything relative has no individual will anymore. He wants nothing for himself – and his will is necessarily one with the omnipresent will of the whole. You may call It God.
A great teacher tells us, “I and the Source are One. I came from the Source, not to do my own will, but to do the will of the Source that sent me.”
Sahaja Samadhi, in which there are no desires and no fears, is the grace of Eternity, which we awared in the eyes and being of Ramana Maharishi. He said that the biblical formula of God, “I am That I am,” depicts the whole truth, as can be attempted to express it in speech or in words.
The whole secret of attainment or awakening lies in personal, inner experience. Samadhi alone can reveal the truth of integral Being. A flash of intuitive wisdom, without thinking, can illuminate the whole.
Yet, for awakening into conscious awareness, ripeness is a deciding factor. No visions or other abnormal applications are a guarantee that the state is not a mental delusion or ecstasy. One is simply beyond all expectations, anxieties and strivings. One is sincerely aware that everything is as it should be. Awakened Beings do not care whether or not their actions and wisdom be recognized.
The whole secret of conscious Self awareness lies in inner experience and not in study, learning, standing “under” or “over” or in “mere” happiness. “We inner-stand at joyous ease,” says Sri Wuji.
Reality does not assert itSelf. It just naturally radiates – like the sun. Its language is Self radiant Silence. We may be utterly unconscious of the fact of invisible assistance and guidance, but our Wujies are “divinely indifferent,” whether or not their guidance be mentally recognized by egojies or not. In Sahaja Samadhi, man (the persona, the ego mind) as we know him, “does not exist.”
The 122nd birth anniversary of Sunyata was observed on October 27