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CHENNAI: BJP today blamed Prime Minister Manmohan Singh for pushing the country to a '1991-like' economic situation and questioned the rationale for introducing reforms now after eight years of rule."The Prime Minister's (televised) address on Friday (explaining the need for FDI and increase in diesel price) is disappointing, deceptive and unconvincing. He could not justify the reasons and convince...
BANGALORE: The Karnataka High Court on Saturday stayed the two-year AITA ban on Indian tennis players Mahesh Bhupathi and Rohan Bopanna from representing the country till June 30, 2014 on disciplinary grounds.Hearing a writ petition filed by the duo challenging the two-year ban imposed by All India Tennis Association, Justice Mohan Shantanagoudar ordered issue of emergent notice to AITA...
CHICAGO: The third strike and it may get over in Baseball game but it is a different ballgame for Indo American Community Services (IACS), a Chicago based no profit body that has expanded its base over the past three years and is set for further expansion. IACS, already successful in hosting Asian Women's conference, job fairs and professional networking meets,...
CHICAGO: Lakhwant Singh Komal, Secretary at Gurdwara Sahib of Chicago and a past president of Sikh Religious Society in Palatine opened the September 12 meeting of the City Council of Chicago with a Sikh invocation. Chicago Aldermen Ameya Pawar with co-sponsorships of Aldermen Deborah Silverstein and Joe Moore introduced a resolution in the Chicago City Council addressing the recent violent...
CHICAGO: The three-hour fifth Global Punjabi Milap held on Saturday, Sept 15 at Des Plaines Theater in Des Plaines to a packed auditorium turned out to be a huge success Thakar S Basati welcomed the audience and shared why people from different parts of Punjab need to come together and forget the horrible time of partition of 1947. He introduced...
CHICAGO: With 32 chapters in 22 States across USA, the name stands for service- SEWA ( Selfless Efforts for Welfare of All) is now poised to do one better in the coming year by expanding its base and areas of service to the community at large. Anil Deshpande, Vice President Development SEWA International, said that one of the focal points...
CHICAGO: Gandhi Memorial Trust has slated celebration of Gandhi Jayanti, the birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi, on October 2 at the Gandhi statue site in Skokie, a north side suburb of Chicago. Mayor George VanDusen has issued a proclamation to honor the legacy of the Mahatma and has blessed this event. Om Prakash Kamaria, chairman of the Trust, said, "Let...
CHICAGO: The Vedic Day Care Center, a pre-school and kindergarten in Chicago, celebrated its 18th annual graduation program on Sunday, August 26 at the Vedic Day Care Center with lot of enthusiasm and joy. Over 150 people attended the near three hours program that highlighted performances by Vedic Day Care Center children. The start was with recitation of some slokas...
UTAH: Settled by Mormon pioneers in 1849, Provo Municipal Council and Utah County Commission in the state of Utah launched their meetings with Hindu invocations for the first time on September 18. The invocations contained verses from the world's oldest existing scripture. Rajan Zed, President of Universal Society of Hinduism, delivered the invocations from ancient Sanskrit scriptures before the County...
CHICAGO: Nyaya Health, a no profit organization delivering transparent, data-driven health care to Nepal's rural poor, has been nominated for a share of $5 million in grants, which will provide free health care for thousands in rural Nepal. Nepal, a south east Asian country neighboring India, is in dire need of health care workers, according to the World Health Organization...