Indian Americans celebrate Indian Republic Day in a quiet dignified way

Rep day

Surendra Ullal

Thought somewhat mute in the light of the prevalent Coronavirus epidemic and restrictions following the bid to contain its spread, the Indian Republic day across the Mid -west and in New York was celebrated in a quite dignified way but with lot of virtual participation

India Post too has been in receipt of messages from Indian community leaders.  We carried them last week and this week to we have privilege to receive some and pleasure to carry them in his edition.


SMT GURBACHAN KAUR NEELAM, founder president of Hindi Club of Illinois and a front ranking woman activist in Chicagoland observed that on the occasion of celebrating the 72 d Indian Republic day it would not be out of place or overstating the need to promote Hindi which is inscribed as our national language among Indian Diaspora at large and in Midwest area of USA with vigor and single minded purpose.

Hindi Club of Illinois set up a decade ago has been doing its best in cooperation and support of many Hindi enthusiasts to promote the study of ”our language” here and it is with this end in view that the Club has recently started teaching Hindi at grass root levels as also for the adults interested in the study of Indian national language across the country  “It would not be out of place to suggest that we need all possible help from all those who would share our ideals and work whole heartedly in our mission of promoting and spreading  our culture through the study of our language here,” she added.

Dr Kiran Patel
Dr Kiran Patel

DR KIRAN PATEL, a noted physician in Florida, a community activist and former head of AAPI, observed that India is a nation now resected globally as a Force n to reckon with but worth noting that this force is not a demonstration o f military might flouting nor economic might flouting wealth

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has steered the nation in a new direction demonstrated by action and not words. India is now ready and willing to help her neighbors facing natural calamities including corona pandemic helping with the supply of free Corona vaccines developed inthe country

India and her PM truly believes in Vedic philosophy of “ VasudhaaiveKutumbakam” and only when this is practiced we could see global peace and progress

Let us as Indians and Indian Americans practice this philosophical thought and principle in practice   and do our pat to create a better world and a better America.



THAKAR BASATI, a Sikh community activist:  observed that India is a great country. It needs to control some voices that divide it on religious lines, party lines.


Some people make statements that divide people. India is a secular country. You can have your say, but it shouldn’t be to hurt sentiments of others. When India got freedom and people wrote and signed constitution, they made it clear that every citizen’s voice will be heard. Now we see minorities targeted en masse.

Being in majority doesn’t mean, minorities shouldn’t be involved in progress of the country. God gifted every human being with some good quality in them, let us take advantage of their good quality. When same people, who are failure in India, go out of country and establish themselves, they become highly successful. It has caused huge brain drain.

India is gifted with so many great religions.  It is not good pitting one against the other, what is needed is to bring them together and have them support each other. There is strength in unity, divisiveness is hurdle in progress. Same energy that people spend in bringing down others could be used to help rise together. So let us strive to work together for the greatness of India.

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