Our life is the expression of our inner potentialities. We project ourselves to the extent we know of our inner status, and there is much more to life than that which we are already living. Let us consider what more there is to life and what more can be lived than that we are living in the present. Certainly it is wise to know the whole extent of an expression of our life, and to try to bring in all that we have been missing so far.
We know, if we drop a stone in a pond, the ripples begin to move, and they move over the whole pond, reaching all the extremities. One slight stir in any part of the pond stirs the whole pond, influences the entire field of water and its surroundings.
Similarly, by every thought, word, and action, every individual is setting forth influence in his surroundings, and that influence is not restricted to any boundaries. It goes on and on and reaches every level of creation.
Every individual, by his every thought, word and action, shakes the entire universe. This is the status of an individual. One is connected with the whole universe by every little bit of activity. An individual appears to be bound by the boundaries of home and by the boundaries of his own body, but in reality the subtle aspects of the individuality go to make universal existence. An individual is never an isolated individual. He is intimately interrelated with the whole cosmos.
Even more than that, he shares the responsibility for the life of the whole cosmos. The entire universe lies in the individual. Cosmic existence lies in the existence of the individual. Cosmic life rests in the individual life, and the individual life extends to cosmic life. The individual and the cosmos are interdependent. Neither of them is independent of the other.
Every move of the individual shakes the cosmos. The universe reacts to the individual action. Every individual has this power that shakes the universe, and shakes and saves the gods and angels in heaven. Man has this strength that upholds the universe. The individual, by his every action, serves the universe, and the great power of Nature is ready to serve the individual, if the individual influences the universe for the progression of the process of evolution.
By its very existence the creation is set in motion to go on and on through the steps of evolution. If the action of the individual is in conformity with the purpose of creation and the purpose of evolution, then the individual serves the cosmic purpose of life, and all the great laws of nature readily serve the purpose of the individual.
It is a simple and automatic process of give and take. As you sow, so shall you reap. When the individual behaves rightly he improves, and by so doing he contributes to the betterment of the entire universe; but when, knowingly or unknowingly, he behaves wrongly, he acts contrary to the process of evolution.
The laws of nature begin to react against him. The individual receives back the result of his wrong actions. He who will think right, speak good, and act truthfully, will receive the support of all the laws of nature carrying out the process of evolution around us.
We as the individuals have influence over the whole universe. Every one of us influences the entire universe by every little action we perform. Obviously, we do not perceive it, but at every moment we are either supporting or damaging the entire universe. Better we forget not the great responsibility that we can do and undo the entire creation that breathes the life of God, by the simple, individual mistakes of ours.
Excerpted from the transcript of a 1967 talk. The 96th birth anniversary of Maharishi Mahesh Yogi will be observed on January 12
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi