INOC adopts a new constitution

Indian National Overseas Congress (I), USA executive committee after adopting new constitution

NEW YORK: The Executive Committee of the new team of Indian National Overseas Congress (INOC) adopted a new constitution on its August 26 meeting held at Shahi Durbar at Floral Pak, New York.
“It is indeed a historic day for the Indian National Overseas Congress and its faithful followers in US” said George Abraham, President of INOC (I). “We have been waiting for this day for quite a long time. Finally, we have a structure and a transparent framework to conduct the business of the organization in a democratic and responsive manner,” he added.
A copy of the draft constitution was presented to Mr. Oscar Fernandes at the inaugural meeting in New York on 25 July and an endorsement of it by Dr. Karan Singh, Chairman of Foreign Affairs Department of AICC has been received by George Abraham, the President. .
Mr. Harbachan Singh presented a copy of the constitution to the President and briefed the meeting on the highlights of the document.

Mr. Shudh Prakash Singh, senior Vice-President, moving the motion for a vote, lauded the efforts of the constitutional committee headed by Mr. Harbachan Singh for the hard work and dedication that produced a very comprehensive document that will pave the way for structured development and growth in the days ahead.
Mr. Mohinder Singh Gilzian, a senior leader and Executive Committee member, seconded the motion and urged everyone to look forward and create a viable and strong organization.
Mr. Phuman Singh (EC Member), Mr. Kalathil Varghese (EC Member and Kerala Chapter President), Mr. Kawal Sra (Treasurer) and Mr. Karamjit Dhaliwal (EC Member) also spoke positively on the occasion and noted the significance of what has been accomplished on this day. Mr. Chakot Radhakrishnan, Vice-President sent in a message apologizing for his absence while supporting the constitution and placing his vote fully in the ‘Yes’ column.
Mr. Mahesh Saladi (President, Andhra Pradesh Chapter), Mr. Juned Qazi (Madhya Pradesh Chapter), Mr. Zinda Singh (New Delhi Chapter), Mr. Prasad Khambhapaty (chairman, PR Committee), Mr. Rajender Dichpally (former Youth President), Ms Malini Shah (President-Diamond Council) were observers at the historic meeting and lauded the efforts of the new committee for enacting the constitution so promptly and pledged their support.
The Constitution lays down the roles and terms of the Board of Trustees, the National Council and the Board of Directors and the positions held are subject to term limits as described. Modalities of the meetings, frequency and rules of conduct of their respective business are also described. Membership enrollment rules and procedures are included and there are provisions for weighted voting. Annual audit reports shall be required to be submitted to the Annual General Meeting.
For a more effective and efficient administration and communication, Chapters would be created at state levels in the USA on the basis of states in India. Chapters would also be established on the basis of important topics or fields such as, the youth wing, the women’s wing and commerce and trade council. Each Chapter would be headed by a Chapter President and each Chapter would be regulated by an Agreement with the National Council.

India Post News Service

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