Shandor Remete
There are two types of consciousness: primary consciousness and processing consciousness. Processing consciousness which is considered to be the lowest, considers training. Patanjali also mentions it, speaking about dreams: the lowest consciousness requires sleeping. And he assumes that gradually we should surpass sleeping. But training is necessary for us. Thus a distinctive ability is lying between contrasts. The knowledge of contrasts gives us a space and possibility to distinguish, to make a correct choice of what we do in order not to create negative karma. Why udjaji breathing is important? How does it heat up a body? If we do not know it, why we do it, why we speak about it or about energetic locks if they do not happen. Udjaji is carried out due to contraction in a basis of a throat. 90% of those who breathe udjaji produce a lot of noise in a throat that causes dryness of nasal bosoms, eyes and brain. Heat flows to brain and people become very emotional. But if contraction is done below and connected with a navel which is responsible for correct inhale and exhale then the sound which comes out a vocal box, resounds down the whole body.
During inhaling it happens easier, as a breath flows from top to down. But it is difficult to keep the sound in the bottom of a throat while exhaling. The reason is that the sound appears due to contraction, contraction creates heat. This contraction and sound have direct influence on a pericardium. A pericardium raises or lowers temperature of blood which is pumped through a heart.So udjaji influences blood temperature, lowering or raising it if it is carried out correctly. Too hot or insufficiently hot blood may become a source for many problems. The one who practices yoga learns how to regulate blood temperature and to adapt it.
Is it possible to achieve higher stages in yoga without having a Guru?
Who is the highest Guru? It is considered that the highest Guru is the one who gave yoga – Shiva. If we read the word Shiva from its end it turns into Avish, which means “to breathe”. Breathing is closely connected with soul – “dah” in Hungarian, spirit. Certainly, we need certain guidance. There is an interesting story about Prahlada whose father was killed by Vishnu, but nevertheless Prahlada was very fascinated by Vishnu. He prayed Vishnu to appear to him every day. Vishnu loved this boy as he was very sincere. Once Vishnu appeared to him again and told him: “I can come to you any time, but I cannot act instead of you. I can give you a correct direction, you should do the rest”. When a person is ready, a guru appears. I had fine teachers. I have learnt much from my father, I took a lot from B.К.S. Iyengar, especially, how to look and how to see correctly. Yes, I had some basic questions that nobody could answer. So I have continued my way and investigated all these questions. I was trusting to what was prompting to me from within. I heard the word “marma” for the first time from Iyengar. Once he has uttered it during one of his classes in Puna. I approached him after the class and asked what this word means. He told me: “It is a certain point”. He did not say anything more. So I was trying to learn it continuing my way.
Excerpted from Wildyogi.info. Shandor Remete is a Hungary-born Australian yoga teacher who practices his own style of “Shadow Yoga”