List of Mandatory Documents to ride a bike in India

Bike Ride In India

Riding a bike is like getting on a rollercoaster. It is only fun if the safety rules and regulations are followed. The thrill of riding a bike with style often overshadows the need to assess the risks while doing so. With the current infrastructure available in India, most people prefer to invest in a bike for faster transport and overall convenience.

There are also a few enthusiasts who enjoy bike riding as a hobby and take long road trips to test their limits and resilience. A two-wheeler is a perfect companion when you have to travel long distances and overcome the obstacles of relentless traffic and narrow lanes. They require less space to park and consume less fuel.

There are guidelines laid down to ensure bike riders are protected and vehicles are safe. Some laws that may not pertain to the documentation however have a direct impact on your safety while riding a bike.

For example, wearing a helmet while riding a bike is mandatory and should be strictly followed to ensure you come out of an unfortunate incident unharmed.

Let us take a look at some of the documents that are essential while riding a bike.

1. Registration certificate – Also known as RC, the registration certificate is extremely important to establish the It is issued by the Regional Transport Office (RTO) and contains detailed information about ownership of your vehicle. your vehicle including make and model, registration number, and name and number of the owner. This is given when you purchase the vehicle itself. This particular document is essential to prove that this vehicle is registered with the government of India. RC used to be a paper that was given and now has been updated to a card (similar to a credit card or debit card).

2. Insurance Certificate – According to the Motor Vehicles Act, all vehicles must be covered by at least a third-party liability insurance policy. This document provides information about the amount of coverage, details of the vehicle covered, name of the owner, type of coverage, insurance provider, and policy number. It is essential to immediately renew expired bike insurance to abide by the laws.

3. Driver’s license – This particular document is proof that you know how to ride a bike and the government issues this license to you based on the test that you give at one of the identified centers. Driving without a license is a serious offense and can put your and someone else’s life at unnecessary risk. License is issued by the Regional Transport Authority (RTA) or RTO. It is compulsory to hold a valid license of the particular category of two-wheeler you wish to ride. For example, if you wish to ride a geared two-wheeler, then you need to appear for the exam that includes one and your license will reflect the same.

4. Emission Test Certificate – Vehicle Emission testing is compulsory and you need to have a certificate for the same. The emission should be within the limits set by the government. This is a very important step towards curbing air pollution. For emission testing, you may require your registration certificate. Emission testing service is carried out by many auto service places. A PUC certificate for a bike is issued only if your vehicle’s emission is within the permissible limit. The certificate has a clear stamp of validity and the next test should be done a few days before the previous one expires.

5. Certificate of Fitness/Necessary permits – If you have a bike that is used for transportation, then you need to have a permit for the same. You also need to carry the fitness certificate of your bike which states that it is safe to ride this bike in public places. This is rarely used for a bike as the bike is not used for transportation.

These are the necessary documents you should carry with you while riding a bike. Apart from this, it is important to know that the only acceptable form of documents is the original document or an attested copy of the same. If you are transporting your vehicle from one state to another, then required documents should be carried.

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