CHICAGO: The Mangalorean Konkan Christians Association (MKCA), Chicago celebrated Monthi Fest at Techny Towers and Mission Center in Northbrook, a northwest suburb of Chicago. It was attended by devotees from all around the Chicagoland and surrounding states.
This feast not only celebrates the birth of Mother Mary but also symbolizes family unity and thanksgiving to the Almighty for ushering us with new crop. This feast is equivalent to the celebration of “Thanksgiving” in America.
The program began with the celebration of Holy Eucharist lead by Rev. Fr. Henry Sequeira and Fr. Walter. Before the celebration, children gathered offered flowers in honoring the birth of Mother Mary.
During the Holy Mass, Fr. Sequeira blessed the new rice crop.
Vice President of the association Ashok Monteiro welcomed participants to the program. During the social program, Austin Prabhu, compeer of the program, leed “Jana Gana Mana”, national anthem of India in celebrating 68th Independence Day. All the participants joined to sing “God Bless America” to commemorate the remembrance of 3,000 lives lost during 9/11 attack on Twin Towers in New York.
Participants thoroughly enjoyed the musical chairs activity tactfully conducted by Steven D’Souza, Chairperson of the event (current President of the Association). The winners were: Children musical chairs: 1. Sherwin Lasrado 2. Ethan Misquita. The Teenage group: 1. Logan Quadros 2. Ethan Carvalho.
There was variety of mouthwatering vegetarian food and desserts prepared by the members of the association. Association’s Secretary Roshini Carvalho thanked all the participants and the members, who prepared sumptuous food for their great contribution in success of this program. She thanked the sponsor of the program, Jessie Singh. Participants enjoyed the open bar and the Indian music presented by DJ Jason Mendonca.
Vissia D’Souza