The real Silence is not of sound, however, or even human noises, but cravings – desires and ego-willfulness. “Thy will be done” is not a prayer but a simple statement of awareness. The Will is ever being done, and ego-freeness is conducive of the grace that is joyous-ease in all due karmic and dharmic activities and all inter-relatedness -in Swaleela.
The Titiksa mode of approach and effort-free acceptance – of the All-rightness and the sure guidance in the Life-play is psychically salutary. We must endure our coming hither and going hence. Ripeness is all.
Be patient and ego-humble to mature and so awaken integrally. Let prarabdha karma fulfill itself in and through egoji. Swadharma has to be awared and endured – if not enjoyed and better so willy than nilly.
Such was Wuji´s intuitive light of consciousness and values – already in babyhood – though there was no conscious awareness – concept or expression of this – and none needed, no urge to express or explain, or even to get explanation or interference from other egojis.
The intuitive light prevailed and the mental was no trouble (nor emotional and physical tools) so ananda bubbled up healthily – also in the due ego-deaths (some minor and some crucial and salutary). The art and craft of dying can be very salutary. One can learn to die now and then – from time to eternity – and thus experience that there is no real death. No death of the Real that we ever Are, the 1 Am, Being-Awareness, Grace.
He was singularly contented and at ease and is very pleased in and with him Self. So although there were deaths galore, minor ones and crucial, and salutary ones, there were no outer, dramatic, emotional and tragic events.
No ambition, no inner urge to become ‘learned’, swell or “proud to meet Ye” – and so no frustration, no envy, no inferior or superior complex, no sin-complex and no grievance complex against Bhagwan.
There was singularly little imposition of conditioning – but acceptance and awareness of the essential All-rightness of things and events and of sure guidance. In positive passivity and negative capability the questions and problems were answered and solved – from within.
How to be consciously and abidingly aware of and in the Ananda Grace that is within and all around egoji? How to be grateful enough for grace – for unity awareness, Self-awareness, Ananda awareness.
Ego oblivion is Self-awareness. We can be ego-still and ego-free and so ananda bubbles up. We can live spontaneously (in Self-controlled spontaneity and joyous ease) says
Wuji – no trying, no wanting even to remain in Sahaja Samadhi, no ego desire, lust or predilections.
The Para Brahman is in every one and everything – and one has only to look within himself to realize this.
The Real Guru is within; the indwelling Christ Emmanuel and no human can be the real Guru. The human mortal egoji is born with his Guru – the Self and the Maha Nam within. It is ego that prompts a man to assume the role of Guru for accumulation of mundane values. Guruism is a source of exploitation of the innocent man in the name of religion (or of spirituality says Wuji).
Excerpted from ‘The Nectar of Sunyata.’ The 124th birth anniversary of Sunyata was observed on Oct 27
Sunyata (Alfred Sorensen)