CHICAGO: The Telugu Association of Greater Chicago (TAGC) and American Telugu Association (ATA) organized International Women’s Day on March 23 at the Holiday Inn in Mount Prospect, a north side suburb of Chicago, with over 100 women of Telugu origin participating in this unique event.
The event helped raise awareness about issues such as women’s health, cultural identity and parenting issues, challenges facing women in corporate America, women as entrepreneurs and Indian cooking. A food drive was conducted as a part of this event. Mrs Malathi Damaraju acted as Master of Ceremony for the event.
The organizers presented a slide show paying tribute to all the women leaders of the world, such as Indira Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Pratibha Patil, Hillary Clinton, Madam Curie, Helen Keller, Indira Nooyi, Serena Williams, Kalpana Chawla, Mamata Baneerjee and Sonia Gandhi.
The workshops followed the slide show touching upon subjects like Health is Wealth, Both Sides of the Coin – Parenting Then and Now, Climbing the Corporate Ladder, Women as Entrepreneurs and Indian Cooking
The organizers of the event also did a food drive for charity initiated by Padma Madireddy. They collected about 20 boxes of food and donated to charity. A scrumptious Andhra dinner was served to all the women in attendance which beautifully complimented the spirit of womanhood. The evening ended with music and dancing which was enjoyed by all.
TAGC headquartered in Chicago seeks creating awareness and promotion of Telugu heritage and culture in the mid-west region. ATA founded in 1990 with main purpose to assist and promote literary, cultural, educational, religious, social, economic, health and community activities of the people of Telugu origin as well as to promote exchange programs for students, scientists, and professionals of Telugu origin between the United States of America, Canada, India and other countries.
Asian Media USA