CHICAGO: Thakar S Basati, a Sikh community activist has been reelected to POC, previously known as Palatine Opportunity Center, now called Partners for Our Communities board. He was unanimously elected for another 2 year term.
The POC name change was in view of the fact that it is now expanding to surrounding communities, Hoffman Estates and Schaumburg area. They have approached POC to help them start some programs that have been very successful in Palatine, Illinois.
POC connects underserved residents in our communities to services and resources in an effort to build communities of empowered people, healthy families, and vibrant neighborhoods. They have provided a highly successful environment for young people who have now gone to college level education, some have gotten jobs. These are the people who would have fallen prey to unsocial activities was it not for POC.
POC runs programs for learning English, Computer skills and nursery help to help moms learn many skills. There is a library on site, free Vista clinic for uninsured people, Registered Nurse available to help people find help. Many youth programs are available. Neighborhood Police activities are available. Free garden helps people learn about growing fresh vegetables. Local YMCA and Harper Community college runs programs at the sight.
Many people volunteer their time and effort to run the facility. Free music learning programs are offered. Free school supplies are provided to less fortunate youngsters. Last year local police and YMCA was hoping to provide free back pack and school supplies to about 350 school kids. Over 900 kids showed up and got school supplies.
The Center can be reached at 847-776-9564 or visit at 1585 N Rand Rd, Palatine, IL 60074.
Basati was also on the committee that procured this building under the Mayorship of Rita Mullins. Basati also serves on Greater Palatine Area Democrats board and helps community get involved in local community events.