When Gandhi wrote to ‘friend’ Hitler

GandhiHere’s a funny thing you might not have known about Mohandas Gandhi, non-violent activist, historical human reference for world peace and overall man-saint. Dated 23rd July 1939, just a month prior to the German invasion of Poland, Gandhi wrote this letter to his ol’ buddy Adolf Hitler. The letter never actually made it to Hitler because the British government decided to intercept it. After reading, you might agree this was probably a good idea.

It’s interesting to note Gandhi’s ever so gentle tone towards the leader of the Nazi regime; extremely worried that Hitler might be bothered by receiving such a letter – after all, he was a busy man (planning the genocide of approximately six million people).

Personally, I think I would have gone with something a little more punchy and to the point; along the lines of …

“Dear Hitler, 

Knock it off. You’re an asshole. Everybody is saying so. 

Sincerely, Mo Gandhi.”

Courtesy Messynessy at messynessychic.com

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