CHICAGO: Gandhi Samaj of Chicago (GSC) hosted its 35th Annual Diwali Program November 2 at Ashton Place, Willow Brook, a south side suburb of Chicago. Over 120 families from Chicago and its close vicinity attended this nearly four-hours program.
The event started with social hour accompanied by a traditional Gujarati dinner followed by a cultural program.
The objectives of GSC, said its president Hitesh Gandhi, are to achieve and promote unity amongst members while helping the community to enhance cultural awareness via educational programs and through celebration of festivals such as Diwali and Navratri.
Welcoming the audience, the emcees Tushar Modi and Roma Bhagat, wished happy Diwali and prosperous New Year to all.
Hitesh Gandhi briefed about all programs done during his tenure of two years. He highlighted the help of his entire team and requested all current 2018-2019 committee members to join the sponsors to come on the stage for lamp lighting ceremony.
He also invited dignitaries Raja Krishnamoorthi, founder president of Federation of Indian Associations (FIA) Chicago Sunil Shah, George Miller, Syed Hissaini, Pinky and Dinesh Thakkar, Amit Jhingran and all committee members to the Lamp lighting.
The American national anthem was sung by Risha Bhagat followed by the singing of the Indian national anthem by Alpesh Gandhi. A moment of silence was observed for those who passed away this year.
Hitesh Gandhi introduced Sunil Shah and Raja Krishnamoorthi. He presented plaques to sponsors Raja Krishnamoorthi, Sunil Shah, George Miller, Syed Hissaini, Pinky and Dinesh Thakkar, Amit Jhingran, Vinoz Chanamolu and Kevin Morrision.
The cultural program included “Namo Namo”, a group dance by Krishna Gandhi, Manya Gandhi, Freya Gandhi and Riya Gandhi, songs by Farah Salam, Bum Diggy and Lamberghini dance by Priya Modi and Naiara Gandhi and “Rajwadi Odhni” solo dance by Sarena Malhan.
Kalpana Gandhi, president-elect of GSC or the years 2019-20 and 2020-21, appreciated the efforts put in by Hitesh Gandhi in taking the Samaj to greater heights and assured that she would continue this during her tenure. She announced her team comprising vice president Hitesh Gandhi, secretary Pravin Gandhi, treasurer Manharbhai Gajjar, and directors Dharmesh Gandhi, Meenaben Gajjar, Jagruti Ghayal and Jamisha Gandhi.