CHANDIGARH: JP candidate from Chandigarh Lok Sabha seat actor Kirron Kher today declared total assets of around Rs 23 crore, while her Aam Aadmi Party rival Gul Panag owns assets worth Rs 5 crore.
The two Bollywood stars filed their nominations today.
Scrutiny of the nomination papers will take place on Monday and the last day for withdrawal of papers is March 26.
Sitting MP Pawan Bansal of Congress has already filed his nomination papers.
While Kirron declared her assets to the tune of Rs 23.88 crore, Gul showed her assets amounting to Rs 5.05 crore.
Kirron has movable and immovable assets worth Rs 7.69 crore and 16.19 crore, respectively.
Among the movable assets, Kiran has jewellery worth Rs 3.74 crore while she has bank deposits worth Rs 2.31 crore.
Kirron owns a Mercedes Benz car which is valued at Rs 61.08 lakh.
Among the immovable assets, Kirron owns share in a shop- cum-office in an upscale market and a bungalow here and a residential flat in Mumbai.
Kirron declared an annual income of Rs 1.72 crore in her tax returns.
Meanwhile, Panag, daughter of retired Army officer H S Panag, has declared share in farmlands in Maharashtra, Uttarakhand and Fatehgarh Sahib in Punjab and share in seven flats in Dwarka (Delhi), Kandaghat (Himachal Pardesh), Silver City (Mohali), Chakkra (Shimla), West Mumbai and Greater Noida worth Rs 2.60 crore.
She owns movable assets worth Rs 2.45 crore. Among this are an Audi Q5 car worth Rs 36 lakh, Scorpio car worth Rs 7.3 lakh and a Toyota Innova car worth Rs 12 lakh.
She holds Rs 41,000 cash in hand and has an annual income of Rs 54 lakh. She also owns gold jewellery worth Rs 12.26 lakh.
Gul has liability in the shape of loans amounting to Rs 21 lakh.–PTI