Aam Aadmi Party Convention attracts many NRIs

 Dr Kumar Vishwas, Munish Raizada MD, Chicago convention Organizer, national executive member and eminent political scientist Prof Yogendra Yadav
Dr Kumar Vishwas, Munish Raizada MD, Chicago convention Organizer, national executive member and eminent political scientist Prof Yogendra Yadav

Chicago: About 300 Indians from 20 cities in the US gathered t in Chicago for a day long convention organized by US supporters of the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) that seeks to overhaul Indian political scene making it more transparent and oriented toward the good of the common man
Members of the Aam Aadmi Party national executive Arvind Kejriwal, Yogendra Yadav and Kumar Vishwas, who is also a noted poet, were the keynote speakers.

The morning began with a vigorous speech by Dr Kumar Vishwas, who combined poetry and prose with good effect to enthrall the audience. His verses emphasized the need for otherwise indifferent but educated citizens and well-wishers of India to contribute to democracy through political participation. He also used the occasion to recite his latest couplet titled “Tiranga” that he has coined reflecting on the current political situation in India.

Arvind Kejriwal, the AAP’s national convener, addressed the gathering live from the AAP Headquarters in Ghaziabad, near Delhi. He spoke about AAP’s role in India’s growth and the role that NRIs can play in furthering this cause. Kejriwal exuded optimism about India’s future and believed that the AAP could be the catalyst that can bring change in the country by redefining the rules of politics. He further stressed on the importance of decentralization in governance which would empower the “Aam Aadmi”, or the common man.

The third session was led by AAP national executive member and eminent political scientist Prof Yogendra Yadav. He eloquently put forth the “Idea of India” as a diverse yet well-functioning democracy that has not only survived but thrived since independence, silencing critics and skeptics from around the world. However, he also noted that the polity has failed to take the key ideals of democracy to the grassroots and that India needed a new vision that is all inclusive. AAP, said Yadav, is committed to begin this transformation to participatory democracy by being truly democratic in its own set-up, taking measures such as eliminating the concept of a high command, ensuring a bottom-up approach in candidate selection, transparency in its finances and appointing an independent ombudsman.

“I traveled today to listen directly from the leaders of AAP about the party’s vision and how I could contribute to the party’s goals” said Rashmi Srivastav, an AAP supporter who traveled from Dallas. An excited Somu Kumar, who came from Washington DC, said “I am very motivated after listening to Arvind Kejriwal and Yogendra Yadav. I am planning to devote my weekends to AAP to help them with the Delhi assembly elections.”

Dr Munish Raizada, a member of organizing committee of AAP Convention in Chicago declared that “such a convention would be an annual event and the next convention would be in New Jersey, where AAP already has a strong supporter base”. He gave a clarion call to the NRI community to support the political revolution happening in India through AAP. The afternoon concluded with the audience singing the National Anthem.

The convention was followed by volunteer workshop (attended by 75 AAP Volunteers) where Yogendra Yadav explained the workings of the Party in India, and the group identified focus areas for how NRIs who are AAP volunteers can contribute to the party, especially keeping the upcoming assembly elections in Delhi and 2014 General Elections.

Aam Aadmi Party AAP (USA) is a group comprising members, volunteers and supporters of the Aam Aadmi Party in India.

Jodh Singh Rawat

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