BJP holds massive Karyakarta Mahasammelan

Modi-chandru-webAHMEDABAD: On the evening of Saturday 6th April, the BJP held a massive Karyakarta Mahasammelan in Ahmedabad to mark the 33rd Sthapana Diwas of the Party. BJP President Rajnath Singh attended the Mahasammelan and was felicitated on taking over as the National President. Also felicitated were newly appointed Vice President Smriti Irani and General Secretary Amit Shah.

Addressing a packed gathering, Chief Minister Narendra Modi affirmed that the BJP was not born out of the lure of power or for brokers of power but the party was born for the well being of each and every citizen. He pointed out that the BJP’s 33-year journey has been that of creating a new ray of hope among the people of India.

He said wherever the BJP has reached it is not due to any one person but generations of Karyakartas and their families.
He affirmed that for the BJP, the ‘Desh’ is above the ‘Dal’ (The nation is above the party). “We will work anywhere for Bharat Mata. Our Mantra here is Gujarat’s growth for India’s growth. I said it on my first day and I am saying it now – will leave no stone unturned in working hard.”

Modi said, “There is a big difference between the BJP and the Congress. There cannot be a comparison.” Taking on the Centre for the rampant misuse of power Modi affirmed, “I want to warn those sitting in Delhi – if you think your CBI attacks will make us unhappy you are wrong. If you think you can trouble BJP Governments with Governors then take it in writing…the people will give you an answer and have already answered you.”

Talking about the patriotic zeal of BJP workers, Modi stated, “When one does good, there are many obstacles. What is the reason that in states like Kerala and West Bengal so many BJP workers lose their lives, at the hands of Left cadres, for the sake of the country? In spite of this and despite the fact that they are nowhere close to power our Karyakartas continue to work”

Modi took a dig at the top Congress leadership for their poor understanding of India. He declared, “I heard a speech of the Congress leader and I was pained. I wondered if they think like this for the nation! The Congress leader said India is a beehive. For you it may be a beehive but for us, this nation is our Mother. Bharat is our Mata and its people are our brothers and sisters. This is a pure land and a land of saints, Rishis.” He added, “Do not insult our Bharat Mata. If you do not understand India go learn but do not do this.”

Taking on the Congress leaders, both in Gujarat and in Delhi, Modi said, “There is a big water shortage but their leaders are not even aware of it.” He affirmed that the Gujarat Congress leaders are misleading the people in the name of water and pointed out, “I tell them, if you are worried about the farmers, tell your Government in the Centre give permission to raise the height of the Sardar Sarovar Dam. We cannot wait any longer to finish work on the Sardar Sarovar Dam. Congress will have to give an answer to the people.”

The Chief Minister shared that the people of Gujarat have taught the Congress a lesson in the elections, defeated their leaders and given a fitting answer to the sort of language they used yet, they have not changed. “We thought they will change, follow democratic ideals but only now we are completing 100 days and they were not willing to wait even for so long.”

Thanking Rajnath Singh for his very kind words earlier during the program, Modi said, “You have been very kind to me. The name may be taken of Modi but the credit goes to my Karyakartas brothers and sisters. If they had not worked hard, who would know Narendra Modi? This is all due to them.”

Modi further opined that there are political parties that have been in existence for over 80 years still have not been able to come to power but it was the BJP, which in a very short span formed the Government at the Centre under Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
Modi urged the Karyakartas to go out with the determination to make the Lotus shine and to those throwing dirt on the BJP he said, “The more dirt you throw, the more the Lotus will shine.”

Modi’s speech was followed by an oath, read out by Rajya Sabha MP Parshottam Rupala where the BJP leaders and Karyakartas vowed to relieve the people of their hardships and to make India the greatest nation.

Speaking before Modi, BJP President Rajnath Singh said, “If there is the most popular leader in India today, it is Narendra Modi.” He said Modi has walked on the path of Mahatma Gandhi and made Gujarat a model state of development. He also lauded Modi for rising above divisive politics. On the development of Gujarat, Singh said that even the Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, that is headed by the Congress President, lauded Gujarat’s progress and so did a report from USA, which called him incorruptible.

Referring to the various phrases and adjectives used against Modi by Congress leaders, Rajnath Singh affirmed, “It hurts when such as Chief Minister is called a ‘Maut Ka Saudagar’ (merchant of death) but the people have answered these elements very well. Congress got an answer for calling him ‘Maut ka Saudagar’ and this time when you called him Yamraj, the people will teach you a lesson, wait for 2014.”

Rajnath Singh took on the Congress for running the nation and asked why do prices rise only during Congress rule. He shared that the BJP too was in Government for six years but they did not allow the prices to rise. He also took on the UPA over their attitude in the Italian Marines case.

The entire State Cabinet, Ahmedabad Mayor, all heads of various BJP morchas among other BJP leaders were present during the Karyakarta Mahasammelan. Party workers from all across Gujarat attended the event in large numbers.

Chandru Bhambhra

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