Flyers get govt achievements letter

NEW DELHI: Months before the nation goes to polls, the Civil Aviation Ministry has “requested” airlines flying on domestic routes to give their passengers a letter written by Suresh Prabhu that enlists various “achievements and initiatives” of the Narendra Modi government in the aviation sector.

The airlines operating on the domestic routes have been sent a note along with the letter written by Prabhu, a copy of which has been accessed by PTI.

“I am directed to forward herewith a letter from Honourable Minister of Civil Aviation (Suresh Prabhu) and to request you to forward it to all the passengers travelling in your airline,” stated the note dated February 20, which was sent to all scheduled domestic passengers airlines.

“Further, it is requested to inform the number of letters dispatched on daily basis to this Ministry,” the note stated.

The ministry’s letter has been titled: “Key achievements and initiatives of Ministry of Civil Aviation.”

Prabhu’s letter, which has his photograph, states: “Dear Valued Passengers, Under the visionary and able leadership of Honourable Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modiji, the country has made tremendous progress in all areas of economic development during the last 50 months or so of this Government and civil aviation sector has not remained untouched in this unprecedented success story.”

It adds: “We have thoroughly transformed the aviation sector and today India has emerged as the world’s fastest growing aviation market. I would like to share with you some of the key achievements and initiatives of the Ministry of Civil Aviation in the last few months.” PTI

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