If money could save lives, Apple’s CEO Steve Job would have been alive today. My father and grandfather both died of cancer. I carry the genes of cancer. As a wellness consultant I had the earnest desire of researching cancer cures, for my personal interest and good of the community.
War against cancer was announced by the President Nixon in 1971. He declared that within 10 years cure for cancer would be found. Sadly the war has been lost. We are only witnessing rise, rise and rise of cancer, year after year and country after country.
American Cancer Society has declared that the number #1 cause of death in year 2010 was cancer. It has left heart disease behind in second place. Estimated number of cancer related deaths are going to double by year 2020 and triple by year 2030, as compared to year 1975-2000. There may not be a single house in US which doesn’t know the misery, pain and suffering of this dreaded disease.
Cancer is not an acute disease but a chronic one. The cancer cells may residing or progressing in our body for many many years before they are picked by the present diagnostic equipment like X-rays or Mammograms.
Famous Dr T. Colin Campbell, an American biochemist, found after 20 years of research that casein protein given to rodents contributed to cancer. It was more prevalent in rodents who consumed more casein protein. Casein protein is the main protein of milk and milk products.
The research studies conducted in Canada by Dr. Richard Beliveau and published in his book ‘Food to Fight Cancer’ showed that we all have micro tumors and there may be a gap of forty years before anyone can ever find out about it.
One flavonoid in particular has caught the attention of many scientists for its anti-cancer effects. It is found in abundance in a part of fruits most of us discard: the white flesh inside the peel. Stop feeding cancer cells – the popular orange juice glass with fistful of sugar is cancer feeder. Eating full orange is a much better option.
It is worth noting that rates for Colo-rectal, Prostate and Lung Cancers in India are one of the lowest in the world. Thanks mainly to the consumption of “Yellow Gold” also known as Turmeric. Most of the turmeric comes from Chennai. Research at M.D. Anderson Cancer Center at Texas, USA, has found that the turmeric coming from Alleppey is deeper in color and has got twice the cancer killing powers. You can also increase the power of turmeric by 1000, by mixing it with other Indian spices.
Green tea is the master killer of cancer, and among all the teas, those from Japan have the maximum preventive health benefits. Allowing the brewing time of 3-5 minutes in warm water extracts the maximum amount of flavonoids. Tea should not be taken with milk. Tofu (Soya Paneer) is another food that can help prevent cancer.
With the right nutritional strategy we can prevent more than 80% cancers and significantly slow down the growth of many cancers in progress.
Affirming my faith in healing with nutrition, I plead that there are many foods which can turn off cancer and such researched and evidence based, life saving latest findings are shared in my latest book ’52 Simple ways to prevent, control and Turn off Cancer’.
Man Mohan Sharma is working as Director Training with Metropolitan Asian Family Services and is also author four other health books.
Man Mohan Sharma