NEW DELHI: Security was today beefed up at the Patiala House District Court premises here ahead of the scheduled appearance of Congress President Sonia Gandhi, her son Rahul Gandhi and others tomorrow in connection with the National Herald case.
According to court sources, senior officials of the Special Protection Group (SPG), Delhi Police and Intelligence Bureau reviewed the security arrangements at the court premises where 16 more CCTV cameras were installed today.
The sources said security personnel have discussed at length the arrangements to be made for tomorrow as both Sonia and Rahul are SPG protectees.
The security officials have also had a meeting with the District Judge of the Patiala House courts.
The police have made elaborate security arrangements considering the fact that the court is a public place where a number of lawyers, litigants come daily.
The sources said that shops inside the premises will remain closed tomorrow and the area near gate number two of the court, where the courtroom in which the hearing is scheduled is located, will be cordoned off with deployment of a multi-layered security cover.–PTI