Rajnikant Bharucha
CHICAGO: American Multi Ethnic Coalition, a bipartisan grassroots organization to empower the ethnic communities through social, educational, cultural, educational, Health related, Economic & political initiatives, endorsed State Rep Melissa Conyears Ervin on the afternoon of November 6 for City of Chicago’s Treasurer position
The citywide election will be held on February 26, 2019. The Media turned out in full support and it included: India Post, India Tribune, Global Eye, Asian Broadcasting Corp, Gujarati Divyabhaskat.
Also present were prominent community leaders Sohan P Joshi NFIA Chairman, Lion Hina Trivedi of Indo-US Lions Club, Hema Shastri of Indian Seniors, Jameel Ahmed, a Muslim community activist, Padmashri Dr S. V. Rama Rao & Nagendra Sripada, IIT Alumni of America. They endorsed Melissa’s candidacy for Chicago Treasurer.
Dr Clarence Beaks, AMEC Executive Director, welcomed the media. Alderman Edward Smith, who worked as a Peace Corp volunteer in Hyderabad , gave the invocation interspersed with Hindi & Telugu.
Dr Vijay Prabhakar introduced Melissa ConyearsErvi welcoming all those attending the event. Ms Hema Potla was honored along with Sohan Joshi who was gracious enough to buy on the spot a painting by Padmashri Rama Rao. Rao had earlier lamented that though museums in US cities had his paintings exhibited but he could not get any painting sold in Chicago.
MEATF colors were presented to Mrs Gita Sripada, Rep Melissa Conyears Ervin and Hema Potla. Hema Potla, incidentally is a self made woman entrepreneur who owns Hema’s Kitchen, one of the most highly patronized Indian restaurants in Chicago.