Neither India nor Pak safe for Sikhs


70 years ago, the Indian Subcontinent was split up into India and Pakistan by the British, as a price for the two country’s freedom. However, after generations of wars and bloodsheds, Pakistan’s Sikhs are still in search for safe and peaceful home for the young generation, as they don’t find India or Pakistan a safe place to live.

A minority in Pakistan, they reside in the conservative northwest that borders Afghanistan. Till now, they had been living in peace and serenity with their Muslim neighbours, but all that changed when jihad and Islamic radicalism came into the picture.

Along with that, their relations with their Hindu brothers broke down in 1984, when the Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi was assassinated by her Sikh bodyguards.

While Sikhs are still under suspicion in both the countries, they are now looking for a new place to start their life. –News Source

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