Surendra Ullal
CHICAGO: Chicago’s renowned poetess and former banker Nupur Govila together with Rakesh Malhotra, Dr. Ajit Pant, Vinita Gulabani co-hosted EK SHAYARANA SHAM,” an entertaining purposeful evening of soulful Poetry and Ghazals.
The purpose of the event was to raise funds in support of the Indian American Cultural Association (IACA) actively supporting children and adults with special needs. The event generated great enthusiasm and was attended by poetry and music lovers of Chicago.
NupurGovila was the featured poetess for the evening, she has also performed in several charity events in the past. During the well-attended event Vinita Gulabani, an active associate of IACA provided information about the IACA and appealed to the attendees to donate and volunteer their time. IACA, Chicago is a caring, friendly and approachable nonprofit entity working for the welfare of children with special needs.