Why to use Retinol Cream this summer?

Why to use Retinol Cream this summerCarly Cardellino
Wrinkles aren’t cute—unless you’re a Shar Pei puppy. To keep them at a minimum, we know to use the gold standard in anti-aging: A retinoid, which is a vitamin A derivative and one of the only topical that can actually reverse the signs of aging. The only problem is, we’ve always been told to use retinoid only during the winter months, since they make you really sensitive to the sun’s harsh rays.
Meghan O’Brien, M.D., a dermatologist in NYC, told Cosmo that contrary to popular belief, it’s good to start using some form of a retinoid in the summer, rather than waiting until winter to start the anti-aging process. “The air contains more moisture since it’s humid, so it leaves your skin naturally more moisturized during the warmer months. And because your skin is so hydrated, there ends up being less flaking, since your skin can tolerate the dehydration that the retinoid brings on more easily than it can in the winter.”
That said, retinoid are a no-joke anti-ager and will make your skin photosensitive, so you have to be careful when you’re outdoors in the sun. “The retinol ends up making your skin thin because it’s turning over your skin cells so fast, leaving you more apt to get burned in the sun,” she adds. “I recommend applying a broad-spectrum SPF of 30 to 50 to make sure you’re properly protected.”
Courtesy cosmopolitan.com

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