Aries (21 March – 20 April)
The planetary transit indicates that you shall enjoy good harmony and understanding with your colleagues and seniors. Love life shall be perfect. Your artistic abilities shall get displayed. You shall be participating in the activities related to the creation of strategies for strengthening your organization where you work as an employee. The health won’t remain good on 19th and 20th whereas last day of the week shall be good for the restoration of confidence.
Taurus (21 April – 21 May)
The circumstances and situations in the beginning of the week shall help you to restore your drained energies and you are going to attain favor of destiny along with more recognition in the area of work in the mid of this week. Your health, energy level and immunity level shall also be good in this week. The day of 17th & 18th February are excellent for starting a new work whereas 19th & 20th are auspicious for gains but your peace of mind get affected on the last day of the week.
Gemini (22 May – 21 June)
You shall be getting mixed results in the first half of the week and the health and peace of mind shall remain affected. The support of spouse, children, father and partners shall be available but financially there might remain tensions. You are advised to be more cautious on first two days of the week as you are likely to spoil your state of mind and happiness by getting into unnecessary arguments out of frustration. You shall be able to win over your enemies.
Cancer (22 June – 22 July)
Planetary transit indicates few tensions in the mid of the the week however; family support shall be available. The remaining part of the week indicates good luck and recognition in work area with tremendous public support. You shall be getting happiness from children and the speculative activities and efforts in the field of competition shall not go futile. Your marketing strategies shall be very effective and your talent of mesmerizing public shall help you.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)
This week shall be excellent in all respects. Your all energies shall get directed for developing new associations and you shall be getting tremendous public support for getting your tasks accomplished. You might plan to make some development in matters related to property. Apart from that speculative activities might bring in gains. The 19th and 20th February is not favorable for decision making and happiness. The last day of the week shall be excellent again.
Virgo (23 August – 23 September)
This week shall prove to be excellent for all areas of life but you shall be facing some mental tensions. You shall leave no stone unturned in taking care of your family, relatives, friends and social life. Your confidence level shall be at its maximum. In this whole week you shall remain very busy in settling your issues and fortunately you shall be able to accomplish all tasks and probably nothing planned shall remain pending. The last day of the week is indicating some mental tensions. Avoid making important decisions.
Libra (24 September – 23 October)
The beginning of the week shall be excellent for your happiness from children. You shall be engaged in entertainment related activities. Love life shall get improved. Your consultation work shall win outstanding appreciation for you. Educational excellence shall be hallmark of the week. Apart from this there won’t be any element of melancholy. You shall start recovering from your problems and children related worries would also come to an end fully. You shall be getting excellent favor of destiny.
Scorpio (24 October – 22 November)
In this week in spite of your increased expenses and financial issues you shall enjoy life as you shall be able to get tremendous support from family. You would remain busy in social activities in the beginning of the week but in the mid of the week you shall face some mental stress too. Your health conditions shall remain average. The last days of the week are excellent for some happiness from children.
Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)
In this week lot of energies might get drained. Your expenses shall be uncontrolled however you shall spend quality time with your family members, friends and relatives in this week. Instead of making investment it shall be better to focus on planning and developing connections with political people. The uncontrolled expenses shall be your main concern and it would be very difficult to keep the things moving however keeping your patience intact shall help you a lot. 19th and 20th February shall be average for peace of mind.
Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)
The planetary transit in the beginning of the week is indicating restoration of peace and confidence but you need to become more focused. On 17th & 18th you can expect to earn more gains from spouse and family. The first half of the week is best for finance & family whereas the second half shall be good for social activities and domestic happiness. You shall see expansion in your work. There can remain some arguments with spouse and the time period is not good for partnership.
Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)
You might remain slightly disturbed in the beginning of the week however from 17th onwards you shall obtain excellent results in all areas like administrative activities, restoration of mental peace, reputation, immunity and happiness. Health shall improve. You would be able to spend quality time with family, friends and relatives. Your brightness and success is shining at work place. You shall be getting happiness from children. Speculative activities shall bring in gains.
Pisces (20 February – 20 March)
The beginning of the week shall be good to earn gains too but the expenses shall increase on 17th and 18th February whereas you can expect restoration of peace in the latter part of the wee. In the mid of the week you shall be facing more obstacles however it shall be a good time for travelling. There won’t be frustration in love relationship in this week. Overall it shall be a week of introspection and hidden blessings. The last day is good for family life.

The astrologer advises you to read the below given predictions from your ascendant sign. If you do not know your ascendant sign then read the same from Moon sign. If Moon sign is also not known then read it from the Zodiac sign. The ascendant sign which is calculated from the birth details viz. date, month, year, time & place of birth gives 85 % accurate predictions. The accuracy of predictions from Moon sign gets limited to only 50 %. The predictions from Zodiac sign are only 25 % accurate. In nutshell the predictions from ascendant sign are most accurate. In getting personality analysis the traits given by ascendant sign are 100 % accurate. Similarly the horoscope predictions obtained from ascendant sign are most accurate and that is the essence of Vedic