Aries (21 March – 20 April)
The planetary transit indicates excellent beginning of the week with improvement in health, immunity, domestic happiness and confidence. You shall work sincerely for your personality development. You would enjoy good time with family and friends in spite of your busy schedule. Reputation in society shall get enhanced. The last two days of the week are not good enough for your general happiness and domestic atmosphere. Avoid making any decision regarding property or vehicle related deal.
Taurus (21 April – 21 May)
The state of mind might remain disturbed in the beginning of the week however from second day you shall regain your energies, health and confidence. This week is excellent for doing better than your adversaries. In the latter half of the week you shall be multiplying your social activities with the support of your family members. This time can be utilized to increase personnel and social influence. You can do better in competitive examinations too.
Gemini (22 May – 21 June)
This week shall be full of happiness, travel, journeys & pleasure. Although you might not give enough time for family but everybody shall be ready to support you and apart from that you shall be earning from your skills giving great ideas to friends around you. In the mid of the week you shall find yourself gaining focus in your work. You shall be paying due attention to your health too. In the last day of the week you shall be getting opportunity to spend quality time with family.
Cancer (22 June – 22 July)
This shall be a fulfilling week on all fronts. The beginning of the week indicates achievement on professional front and eventually you shall earn benefits thereby consolidating your source of income and establishing reputation as a skilled full time public speaker or an image builder. You can expect to win public support for the kind of job you are into. The journeys shall prove surprisingly beneficial in this week. Energy, immunity, efficiency and confidence shall remain intact.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)
In the beginning of the week you shall be enjoying good luck resulting from a beneficial journey or with the support of father/mentor. This shall be a shining week for your work area. Apart from progress, recognition and excellent performance you can also expect substantial gains after the mid of this week. Your image in society shall also be fine and you are likely to take some beneficial bold decisions. For extracting benefits you shall go on journeys too.
Virgo (23 August – 23 September)
Planetary transit indicates slow beginning and low energy levels however the remaining part of the week shall be excellent for all areas especially for work and consolidating the amount of gains by the end of it. Your performance at work area shall get enhanced suddenly but there can be some tensions also in the back of your mind. For improving your performance you shall have to become little more disciplined and organized in work.
Libra (24 September – 23 October)
In the beginning of the week you shall enjoy compatibility with your partner/spouse. The conjugal bliss shall also be fulfilling and quite satisfactory in the first part of the week and you would be earning sudden financial gains too. Health conditions shall remain average. The latter part of the week indicates that you would be making some new plans for the expansion of your work. The second half of the week shall give expected results and woman support in work.
Scorpio (24 October – 22 November)
The first of the week shall be better than the second half. The starting of the week is bringing the support of destiny for doing better on professional front followed by substantial gains but because of less focus and lack of resistance it shall not be easy to earn desired gains from developments. In the second half of the week some good opportunity might get swayed away between your passion, imagination and health issues.
Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)
This week is excellent for marital bliss, the support of spouse and business tours. You shall be taking interest in occult. Professionally your research work shall help you do better than others. In the first half of the week you shall also attain the blessings of some spiritual practitioners who shall teach you the most effective methods of meditation. In the latter half of the week there shall be sudden financial gains. Your increased social influence shall help you arrange funds for executing your projects.
Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)
The first half of the week is not good for your health and happiness. Some financial issues might also crop up suddenly. You might lose your confidence and therefore your performance in competitive examination shall be average. Although the support of seniors shall be available but lack of focus might not let you perform reasonably. The latter half of the week is indicating bigger support of seniors therefore struggle enough to keep your focus intact so that you attain better results.
Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)
This shall be a wonderful week for all areas of life. The starting of the week indicates good news for you from your kith and kin and you shall be participating in social activities actively. The mid of the week is auspicious for domestic happiness. In the latter half of the week you shall be getting good results in matters related to education, love life, marital bliss, children & development of destiny. The hall mark of this week shall be attainment of some recognition professionally.
Pisces (20 February – 20 March)
Your difficulties shall be very less in this week as you shall be getting good results like the association with some influential people, marital bliss and attainment of stability and security on financial and professional front. In the mid of the week there might remain some tensions related to health, children and relationship however by the end of the week there shall be a big relief in terms of attainment of peace. The regular practice of meditation shall help you keep your peace of mind intact.

The astrologer advises you to read the below given predictions from your ascendant sign. If you do not know your ascendant sign then read the same from Moon sign. If Moon sign is also not known then read it from the Zodiac sign. The ascendant sign which is calculated from the birth details viz. date, month, year, time & place of birth gives 85 % accurate predictions. The accuracy of predictions from Moon sign gets limited to only 50 %. The predictions from Zodiac sign are only 25 % accurate. In nutshell the predictions from ascendant sign are most accurate. In getting personality analysis the traits given by ascendant sign are 100 % accurate. Similarly the horoscope predictions obtained from ascendant sign are most accurate and that is the essence of Vedic