Aries (21 March – 20 April)
The beginning of the week indicates travel and expenses. There shall be lot of activity in your love life and 2nd, 3rd day of the week are going to be highly favorable for your work, job satisfaction and general health. In next two days i.e. 4th & 5th shall be extremely auspicious for the inflow of money. On 6th and 7th there are indications of strengthening of bonding with family members.
Taurus (21 April – 21 May)
The first days of the week indicates bad mood and some mental tensions whereas the next two days are indicating betterment of social life and destiny. This shall prove to be an excellent time for the consolidation of your relations with your kith and kin. The 4th & 5th of this week shall be perfectly alright for your work and for getting support of friends and relatives for the accomplishment of your tasks. In last two days of the week you shall be earning gains from friends.
Gemini (22 May – 21 June)
The beginning of the week is excellent for you and your abilities would be proved certainly by you in case they are put to test. People around shall be full of appreciation for you and your social influence shall increase. You are advised to take care of your health and general happiness on 2nd & 3rd of September. The remaining part of the week shall prove to be luckiest for all areas of life and good news shall pour in from all directions.
Cancer (22 June – 22 July)
This week is best for your all areas of life in the first half of the week and although you shall start with a low spirit however on 2nd and 3rd August your spirits shall be at peak and you can enter into some partnership agreement and show your commitments for relationship or associates. The days of 4th, 5th are not good for health, happiness and for taking any important decision regarding some important task. From the evening of 6th the things shall be back at right track again.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)
In spite of going through stress your confidence shall remain intact and you shall be able to enjoy bigger intensity in your love relationship in the beginning of the week. The 2nd, 3rd & 4th of August are auspicious for travelling whereas the next two days after that are giving an indication of enhancement of your marital bliss. You are likely to join some family function along with your spouse. Your spouse shall reduce your tensions. Last day of the week is inauspicious for you.
Virgo (23 August – 23 September)
You shall be putting more efforts for becoming more focused but your expenses shall remain uncontrolled. Your schedule shall be hectic and people around you shall find improvement in your attitude. On 2nd, 3rd & 4th August you shall be travelling more frequently. You should be getting the best guidance from your well-wishers, friends, guides and consultants this week. The remaining part of the week shall be excellent for marital bliss and gains from partners.
Libra (24 September – 23 October)
This week you shall charge yourself by actively participating in social gatherings, get together or some other social activities in the beginning of the week but you shall have to concentrate very hard in your work area problem rectification on 2nd and 3rd August whereas the 4th and 5th of August are the days when you shall be focusing more on entertainment related activities and children or education related tasks. The last day of the week shall also be equally good.
Scorpio (24 October – 22 November)
This whole week shall be excellent for your family including all other areas of life. You are likely to attain progress and some extra recognition on professional front in the mid of the week. Your friends and relatives shall be supporting you throughout the week. There can be some stress also related to work or some other type of tension on 5th and 6th August however the last day of the week shall be absolutely favorable for your health and happiness. Some good news regarding children might pour in.
Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)
Your reputation and status in society shall help you get out of most of your troubles in this week. Your life in general shall revolve around your family. You shall spend some time with your family members for seeking their advice regarding the rectification of some financial issues. It is quite probable that you might plan to go on a tour with your family members. The chances of going on a pilgrimage are more. You shall also get opportunities to meet some influential people in this week.
Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)
You shall be starting this week with low energy levels however from 2nd and 3rd August there shall be betterment in your working efficiency, energy & confidence. The day of 4th and 5th are perfectly fine for your marital bliss and family life. The support of spouse shall keep you delighted. Your spouse shall certainly make a significant difference in your current situations by extending the much required genuine support. Be cautious about your health.
Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)
The influence of several planets on 7th house shall keep your sexual life extra active in this week but at the same time you also might suffer from the problems of mood swings. Second and third September isn’t auspicious for your state of mind and happiness. You need to be little more cautious in your relations with your spouse, love mate, partners and associates as there are some probabilities of sudden tension with close people.
Pisces (20 February – 20 March)
The beginning of the week is excellent for your happiness and love life. The happiness that you shall be getting from your personnel relation shall be remarkable. The mid of the weak indicates happiness in the family. Your abilities to do very well in any competition shall be at its best in the beginning of the week but the concluding part of the week except last day of the week isn’t auspicious for your health, happiness, and expenditure and travelling.

The astrologer advises you to read the below given predictions from your ascendant sign. If you do not know your ascendant sign then read the same from Moon sign. If Moon sign is also not known then read it from the Zodiac sign. The ascendant sign which is calculated from the birth details viz. date, month, year, time & place of birth gives 85 % accurate predictions. The accuracy of predictions from Moon sign gets limited to only 50 %. The predictions from Zodiac sign are only 25 % accurate. In nutshell the predictions from ascendant sign are most accurate. In getting personality analysis the traits given by ascendant sign are 100 % accurate. Similarly the horoscope predictions obtained from ascendant sign are most accurate and that is the essence of Vedic