Indian food mobile app! launched

MyPref_Logo_With_Tagline-webNew York: MyPref has introduced a brand new smartphone app allowing foodies to search and locate specific food items from restaurants. Craving the best Biryani, or the spiciest Chicken Tikka Masala? MyPref takes the guesswork out of specific menu items by providing reviews for each dish on a restaurant’s menu.
The app available on Android and iOS smartphones is free to download and makes finding your favorite food more simple, effortless and efficient. In less than 60 days of commercial launch, MyPref cracked the Top100 free Food & Drink apps for iPhone, ranking at #58.
‘The idea behind MyPref came to us when Manan and I (MyPref cofounders) were sitting in a restaurant trying to figure out what to eat there. A friend of ours had suggested something to try and we just couldn’t remember it. That’s when we thought, what if there was an app that could track our preferences and based on location, tell us where to find them.

We felt our frustration and concerns were not unique. There should be an app to take care of these things for us.” says MyPref Co-Founder Abhishek Chhajlani
Aside from searching for dishes on the app, MyPref also tells you exactly where to locate it. Once you arrive and check-in at the restaurant via the app, it also reminds you of your previous food preferences and their reviews. This emphasis on menu items and not just restaurants is what differentiates MyPref from other competitive food and drink apps.
MyPref hosts an extensive database of restaurants in various cuisines; however keeping its forte is Indian food. MyPref founders, Abhishek Chhajlani and Manan Bhandari believe the Indian food industry is a highly untapped and unexploited market from the application industry’s point of view.
They believe there are only a few applications that are primarily addressing this market and the number of restaurants using such applications as mediums to reach out to their target market is also extremely sparse.
Abhishek and Manan also highlight that Indian cuisine is not just popular among Indians but also amongst numerous other food lovers, therefore, ensuring to provide one of the largest and most exhaustive databases of Indian restaurants across US available for search on MyPref.

India Post News Service

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