Mawra Hocane, who became an overnight sensation in India when Bollywood heartthrob Ranbir Kapoor sent her a video message via Instagram, is all set to make her big Bollywood debut with Vinay Sapru and Radhika Rao’s movie tentatively titled ‘Sanam Teri Kasam.’ The Pakistani beauty, who is 22, is paired opposite south actor Harshvardhan Rane in the movie.
The cast and crew were in Cape Town shooting for the movie which is 50 per cent completed. Mawra in her limited media interactions has termed her debut movie as ‘a beautiful love story comparing it with Aashiqui 2.’ Mawra, who is immensely popular in Pakistan, recently found herself at the receiving end of an unwanted controversy when her tweets protesting the banning of Saif Ali Khan’s ‘Phantom’ in Pakistan drew the ire of senior Pakistani actor, Shaan. Her open letter defending her decision however garnered her a lot of applause from all quarters.
Paki heroine
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