According to the latest grapevine, Saif Ali Khan’s daughter Sara Ali Khan and Shahid Kapoor’s brother Ishaan Khattar are all set to make Bollywood debut. The two young faces will be launched by none other than filmmaker Karan Johar who is known to have launched several new faces.
An insider reveals, “Karan’s banner will be launching them (Ishaan and Sara) soon but one does not know who will be directing the project as of now.”
Interestingly, Shahid Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan get along quite well as they are shooting for filmmaker Vishal Bharadwaj’s upcoming film ‘Rangoon’.
Saif Ali Khan is not in favor of Sara leaving college in the mid-way and pursue acting career. He is dead against Sara entering into film industry without completing her studies. Sara is at present studying
at Columbia University in USA.