Kidneys, liver of brain dead patient transplanted

In this July 2, 2016 photo, doctors perform a kidney transplant at Modarres Hospital in Tehran, Iran. In Iran, a unique system allows those in need of a transplant to buy a kidney. The program, which has seen Iran’s waitlist for kidneys effectively drop to zero, has been championed by some Western doctors as a way to cut time for lifesaving transplants. However, some ethicists worry about the system taking advantage of the poor worldwide to black-market organ sales. (AP Photo/Ebrahim Noroozi)

Kidneys liver of brain dead patient transplanted

KOLKATA: Oct 16 (PTI) Three lives were saved on Tuesday when three organs of a 68-year-old homemaker, declared brain dead, was transplanted to them.
Two kidneys and liver of Durga Sadhu, who was declared brain dead at a private hospital after suffering heavy intracranial bleeding Monday evening, was transplanted at the state-run SSKM hospital on Tuesday night, a senior doctor at the medical facility said.
Following consent from her family members, doctors decided to go for transplantation of her kidneys and liver.
The Regional Organ and Tissue Transplant Organisation (ROTTO) was informed and a green corridor was set up between the private hospital and the SSKM Hospital where the three recipients were admitted, the doctor said.
The patient’s skin has been preserved at the skin bank of the SSKM Hospital and corneas were sent to a private eye hospital here for preservation.
After the transplants, the condition of the patients were “stable and under observation”, the doctor said. PTI

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