Madhumati Tyagi and Geetha Patil
Moringa is a tropical plant native to India and other countries, has the Botanical name Moringa oleifera and belongs to Moringaceae family. It is known as Drumsticks or Moringa in English, Sahajin or Munaga in Hindi, Murungai in Tamil, Munagakayi in Telugu, Nuggekaayi in Kannada and by many other names in other states.
Moringa can be grown easily and retains much of its nutritional value when dried. The name “Drumstick Plant” comes from the shape of its seedpods, which resemble drumsticks, about 12 inches (30 cm) in length. They start out green and turn brown as they mature.
Moringa is considered one of the most nutritious super herbs of Ayurveda and is often called the “Tree of Life” or “Miracle Tree” because every part of the Moringa tree is beneficial for humans and animals. In addition, this super food contains numerous essential amino acids and acts a nutritional powerhouse offering an array of nourishing vitamins and minerals.
Therefore, this medicinal plant has been used in Ayurveda for centuries for balancing the vata and kapha doshasandits nourishing and detoxifying qualities make it one of the most versatile plants of all time since it can be used for a variety of things, including food, medicine, and water purification. The Health Benefits of this plant are praised in texts of Ayurveda as Moringa is found in three varieties (black, white and red) andits seeds, leaves, flowers bark, roots, fruits, and oil have various uses and its fruits and leaves are used in various recipes.
What are the characteristics and types of Morning?
Shobhanjana – Very auspicious tree | Aksheeva – relieves intoxication |
Shigru – has strongpiercing qualities which spreads quickly in the body | Mochaka – helps to cure diseases |
Teekshnagandha and Katu rasa – Strong pungent aroma and bitter taste | Tikta rasa – bitter state |
Rooksha – imparts dryness to tissues | Laghu – light to digest |
This vitiates pitta dosha and alleviates Vata dosha and Kapha dosha | It has hot potency |
Moringa leaves with different stem colors: (A) red, (B) green, (C) white. It has strong qualities (teekshna) that spreads quickly in the body.
What are the nutrients and essential compounds in Moringa?
vitamin A | vitamin B3 (niacin) | potassium |
vitamin B1 (thiamine) | vitamin C (ascorbic acid) | iron |
vitamin B2 (riboflavin) | calcium | magnesium and phosphorus and no harmful cholesterol |

What are the benefits of Moringa?
Moringa as a ‘superfood ‘has multiple health benefits including its rich anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties, helping to prevent the body from infections and free radical damage.
- Preventing rheumatoid arthritis: The seed oil is useful topically in relieving pain from inflammation, osteoarthritis and rheumatoid as well as rich in vitamin C and magnesium.
- Improve our taste perception, appetite and digestive power: The fibrous pods can benefit digestive health and may help prevent colon cancer. Moringa leaves’ laxative property can cure constipation, reduce stomach acidity, prevent peptic ulcers and its antibiotic and antibacterial properties may help prevent the growth of pathogens and worm infestations that can cause infections, prevent ulcerative colitis, its anti-inflammatory effects may protect the digestive system from damage. It is helpful in conditions of abdominal bloating, pain and distension.
- Treating mood and nervous system disorders: Moringa acts as a nerving tonic. Its antioxidant and neuroprotective properties help cure the nervous system disorders, such as multiple sclerosis (MS), Alzheimer’s disease, neuropathic pain, and depression.
- Fighting foodborne bacterial infections: Moringa tea contains substances that may act against some foodborne pathogens, such as Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus)and Escherichia coli (E. coli) that can cause loose motions, diarrhea (red variety) and other symptoms of food poisoning.
- Protecting the cardiovascular system and liver: Its antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agents especially quercetin, may help protect cardiovascular health and help prevent lipid formation and inflammation, both of which can contribute to heart disease. Moringa also have cholesterol-lowering properties and supports fat metabolism, weight management, and protecting the liver. Those who consume a higher concentration of Moringa have lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels and less inflammation in their liver.
- Treating diabetes: Extracts of Moringa leaves may benefit people with diabetes, such as assisting with managing blood sugar and insulin levels and protecting against organ damage and prevent complications and slow disease progression.
- Treating asthma: Moringa help manage or prevent asthma, bronchial constrictions, and airway inflammation. The leaves are useful in conditions of fever, coughs and colds especially with mucous, and bronchitis.
- Preventing kidney stones: Moringa is traditionally used to prevent kidney stones and even laboratory tests have found evidence that Moringa extracts may stop minerals from building up and causing stones in the kidneys.
- Reducing high blood pressure: Moringa contains substances that may help manage blood pressure.
- Improving eye health: Moringa contains the antioxidant beta-carotene, which is essential for maintaining eye health and preventing eye diseases.
- Treating anemia and sickle cell disease: People in some parts of the world have traditionally used Moringa to treat and prevent anemia, sickle cell disease and help remove excess iron.
Geetha Patil - Preventing and treating cancer: Moringa contains properties that might help prevent cancer especially breast, liver, colorectal, and other cancers.
- Treating edema: The anti-inflammatory properties of Moringa help to treat edema and ear edema, the fluid building up in body tissues.
- Protecting and nourishing skin and hair: Moringa seed oil may help heal skin wounds more quickly. It can be used as a massage powder for skin conditions such as pruritis, urticaria and acne and give healthy glowing skin and hair health.
- Useful in headaches: It is useful in headaches through the panchkarma treatment of nasya and by rubbing the leaves over the forehead
- Boosts sexual function and increase sperm count and motility: Fruit pulp helps men to fight erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. The fruit pulp is also recommended for male fertility to improve sperm count and motility.
- Cures menstrual issues: Moringa can cure amenorrhoea and dysmenorrhea issues.
- Prevent Malnutrition: Moringa’s rich proteins, vitamins, and minerals are useful to fight malnutrition.