Let’s abolish some Misconceptions today: Ayush Kumra

Weight Loss with Cheat Meals

Hey, again guys! It’s Day-13 of our 15 Days 15 Ways program and today’s video will be based on the topic cheat meals. Firstly I would like to tell you that our program is eventually coming to an end now and we have been pretty much consistent with our diet during this period of time.

It’s time for us to re-feed ourselves with our favorite meal now. Many people think that bodybuilders actually don’t eat the outside junk food at all and always remain on a very strict diet. I would like to clear this misconception of yours because even we face cravings all the time and that too probably more than a normal person because of the change in our hunger hormones, which, gets triggered whenever, we are dieting strictly.

WE ALSO TAKE CHEAT MEALS AND ITS QUITE HEALTHY TOO. Now, if you are wondering how then it’s because of the fact that whenever we take a cheat meal while we have been dieting, our metabolism tends to shoot up and thus helps us in losing our fat even more.

Hold on! With that being said don’t just start ordering food from outside. See there’s a way in which you got to consume those extra calories from your cheat meal and in order to help you with that, I have discussed the things which have to be kept in mind in order to ensure that taking that cheat meal doesn’t affect your fitness results and all the hard work you have put in till now. Also, you should be very well aware of this fact that it is supposed to be a cheat meal and not a cheat day because most of the people tend to celebrate it that way and thereby, allow all their crucial efforts go in vain.

Hence, before you grab on your favorite meal, you should definitely go and check out this video first and I’m sure it will be a great help to you and your fitness goals.

Till then, see you next time.

Stay Safe & Stay Motivated.

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