Officer returns to duty after cancer treatment

BERLIN, Connecticut: Officer Aimee Krzykowski has returned to duty days after her final cancer treatment.

“I was just trying to push and come back as soon as I possibly could,” she said on March 6, her second day back. “It felt nice to be back behind the wheel with the uniform on.”

Her canine partner, Casner, was also eager to get to work.

“He was dying to come back. He’s a young dog so he needs the work and stimulation,” Krzykowski said.

After the department announced late last year that she would be taking medical leave for radiation treatment for breast cancer, local businesses began holding fundraisers, culminating in hundreds of local residents, first responders and friends of Krzykowski coming to Berlin High School for a pasta dinner and silent auction fundraiser.

“The support was amazing,” said Krzykowski, who will be celebrating her 15th anniversary with the department this week. “My department, the town, the community, everyone really rallied behind me. It’s really nice to see people wearing the T-shirts that were designed for me or the ‘krzystrong’ hashtag everywhere.”

When she responded to her first call on March 5, she found the T-shirts for sale at the business.

Deputy Police Chief Christopher Ciuci said the department is appreciative of all the support.

“Everybody’s thrilled to have her back. The smile, energy, enthusiasm – all that stuff’s contagious,” he said. AP


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