We will hunt down all those who waged war against India: Govt

we will huntNEW DELHI: The government today vowed to hunt down all those who have waged war against India and will not rest till all such terrorists are put behind bars.

Minister of State for Home RPN Singh said Indian Mujahideen co-founder Yasin Bhatkal, who was apprehended yesterday, was a bigger terrorist than Lashkar-e-Taiba operative Abdul Karim Tunda, arrested by Delhi Police recently.

“The government is committed to continue its fight against terror. We will not take rest till all such terrorists are not put behind bars,” he told reporters here.

Singh said the UPA government has assured the country that it would pursue all the people who waged war against India from the country’s soil as well as from abroad.

“I take this opportunity to once again congratulate central agencies after we arrested Tunda and again we have apprehended a bigger terrorist. I once again reiterate our commitment to fight against terrorists. I hope there will be no politics as far as terror is concerned,” he said.

Bhatkal, Indian Mujahideen co-founder and one of India’s most wanted terrorists, was arrested from the Indo-Nepal border in north Bihar after being on the run for over five years. -PTI

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