What Vedic Astrology Says about Favourable Day to Travel

Favorable Day to Travel

Travel has become an essential part of our life. We travel for various purposes, including for livelihood, leisure, and other purposes. Though in recent times, travel has been less due to the pandemic, the urge to pack your bags and set off on a journey is a familiar feeling among everyone. Travelling gives us various experiences, some good some bad. While we reminisce the good times, the bad experiences too are etched in our minds, and we often wonder what could have been the reason behind those unpleasant experiences.

Indian Vedic astrology has depicted that planetary movements and time play a significant role while traveling. If you travel according to the Vedic astrology tenets, you can make your travel fruitful and enjoyable and also achieve the purpose for which we have set out on our journey.

What should be considered for travelling Muhurat

Just as the shastras state how different days are ruled by various deities, traveling too depends on the time of travel. To determine the time or Muhurat for travelling we take into account the purpose of travel and the travel distance. Also, the means of travel, such as travel by air, sea route, road, or railways, should be considered. If we are travelling for our daily needs, such as a job or other personal requirements, we usually do not consider any Muhurat. The travel day holds significance in the Panchang in Vedic Astrology which is based on the following parameters:

  • Vaar- Day
  • Tithi- Lunar Date
  • Nakshatra- Lunar Constellations
  • Yoga- Classification of Time as Auspicious or Inauspicious
  • Karana- Semi or Half a Tithi
  • Muhurat is the favourable or unfavourable time or period that occurs as per different states of Panchang parameters at any given point.

Ideal Nakshatras (stars) for travel

At the onset, we consider the star prevailing on the day of travel. Travelling on Hast, Ashwini, Pushya, Mragshira, Revathi, Anuradha, Punarvasu, Shravan, and Ghanishtha star constellations will yield promising outcomes from your travel as these are the ideal days of travel. Besides these nakshatras, you can also travel in  Uttrafalguni, Uttrashadha, Uttrabhadrapad Nakshatras; however, these days are considered medium or madhyama as they yield a satisfactory outcome from travel. One should ideally avoid travelling in the JanmaNakshatra (birth star) that they are born in.It would help if you did not travel in the first, third, fifth, seventh, tenth, twelfth, fourteenth, sixteenth, nineteenth, twenty-first, twenty-third, and twenty-fifth Nakshatra from your janmanakshatra.


According to Vedic astrology, each Nakshatra has its own direction. Travelling in the direction of the Nakshatra present on that day is best avoided. For example:

  • One should avoid travelling in the East direction as it is the direction of JyeshtaNakshatra.
  • Similarly, Purvabhadrapad is situated in the south direction, and hence travelling to the south during this Nakshatra should be avoided.
  • Travelling to the West is best avoided on RohiniNakshatra as the West is the direction of Rohini.
  • North is the direction of UttarafalguniNakshatra, hence travelling in the north direction in UttarafalguniNakshatra should be avoided.
  • Travelling to the east should be avoided forUttaraAshadha and Shravananakshatras.
  • UttaraBhādrapadāandAswini are not suitable while travelling to the south
  • Rohini and Pushya are not suitable while travelling to the West
  • UttaraPhalguni and Hasta are inauspicious for travelling to north

Tithi Consideration

Travelling during the waxing period of the moon (i.e. between New moon and Full moon days) which are the 2nd, 3rd, 5th, 7th, 10th, 11th, 13th, lunar days are considered auspicious for long-distance and business-related travel.


If Vishti Karana is present, it signifies Bhadradosha, and hence travels must be avoided during such a situation.


The best days to travel are Thursdays and Fridays. Sunday, Monday, and Wednesday are considered medium for travelling. According to astrologers, Tuesday and Saturday are inauspicious for travellingas they belong to Agnikone and Vayukone respectively. Women should ideally avoid travelling on Fridays. One should ideally avoid returning home on the 9th day and 9th  month from the travel date as well as on Tuesdays.


It is necessary to avoid vaarshoola while planning your travel and considering the travel Muhurat. The following are the rules considered for avoiding vaarshoola

Avoid travelling East  on Sundays

Avoid travelling towards Agnikne on Tuesdays

Avoid travelling South on Thursdays

Avoid travelling towards NirryathionWednesdays

Avoid travelling West on Fridays

Avoid travelling in the direction of Vayukoneon Saturdays

Avoid travelling to the North on Mondays

If travel is urgent and cannot be avoided, then starting your journey between 4 AM and sunrise is the ideal time to travel in any direction on any day. During such travelling, worshipping Sun God and reciting Shakunasookta and Panchakshara (Om NamaShivaaya) will avoid any untoward incidents while travelling.


While travelling, one should also consider the yogas applicable on the day of travel. Avoiding travel is ideal for the following inauspicious yogas:

  • Vyatipaat yoga
  • Mrityu Yoga
  • Dagadh Yoga
  • Kakrach Yoga
  • Samvartak Yoga
  • Hutasan Yoga
  • Vish Yoga
  • Yamghant Yoga


To analyse the time of travel, the day of travel plays a vital role in determining the Muhurat for travel and various other ceremonial rituals.

All said, sometimes we may have to undertake travel due to some unavoidable reasons, and in such cases, if we are travelling in the direction of Dishashool, we can adopt specific remedial measures that are approved by Vedic astrology before travelling to nullify the hurdles and obstacles that the Dishashool may pose. Various astrology companies in India are now making Vedic astrology easy and accessible for the common man to determine the muhuratsat the press of a button.

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