Aries (21 March – 20 April)
The first day of the week is auspicious for your happiness but immunity level might remain average. 9th and 10th September is auspicious for your family life. Domestic happiness shall remain intact. Attachment with mother shall get enhanced. The family atmosphere shall be full of life. 11th, 12th & 13th September is giving an indication of a lot of activity in social life. The last two days are average for your happiness and decision making.
Taurus (21 April – 21 May)
The beginning of the week is perfect for the inflow of money whereas you shall be spending more on 9th and 10th and you will be busy in external activities like shopping, travelling etc. We shall advise you to avoid long-distance travel during these two days. The day of 11th and 12th September are indicating that you shall shine in your studies and love relations. The concluding part of the week shall be devoted to your loved ones and family members.
Gemini (22 May – 21 June)
This whole week shall be perfectly good for you and your ability to give advice to people shall be at its best this week. The day of 12th & 13th September only shall not be good for you. You are advised not to make any important decision on these two days. Try to control your unnecessary expenses during these days. This time can be utilized to visit some tourist place with your family. The last two days are excellent for your confidence and happiness.
Cancer (22 June – 22 July)
The beginning of the week shall be excellent for the development of destiny, quick progress in work and attainment of some reward for rendering excellence in performance at work place. This week is also favorable for the improvement of family atmosphere in the latter half of it. You might plan to visit some place of pilgrimage on the last two days of the week. You would be spending money on get together, merry making and parties etc.
Leo (23 July – 22 August)
The beginning of the week marks some mental tensions, stress, anxiety, depression & trivial health related issues however there shall be some relief from 9th September onwards. The 9th, 10th & 11th indicates frequent travels. 11th, 12th & 13th September is favorable for work related journeys. The last two days indicate that your gains shall be in proportion to your expenses however there won’t remain any financial burden on you.
Virgo (23 August – 23 September)
It would be a week of ups and downs for you. The first day of the week is better as compared to 9th & 10th September. The day of 11th & and 12th can be utilized to maintain good relations with father, teacher and the head of educational institution whereas the remaining part of the week would be auspicious for settling the issues related to work. We shall advise you to work with focused approach so that you succeed in maintaining the momentum thus gained.
Libra (24 September – 23 October)
This week shall be full of frequent ups and downs especially in financial matters. Health would also remain average only throughout the week. You are advised to look after your health. Although financial ups and downs are indicated however the chances of gains are stronger as compared to the losses. The impact of several planets on house of income indicates that by the end of the week you shall be almost at final verge of the completion and execution of your plan of consolidation of source of income.
Scorpio (24 October – 22 November)
This is going to turn out to be a rewarding week for your work area. You shall attain lot of appreciation for your work. Although there might remain some pressure on you however you would regain your confidence with an impressive enhancement of your credibility as a professional. It would be better to work with a diplomatic approach. Give your hundred percent and look after your health. You are advised to be more cautious especially in the mid of the week. Take proper rest and keep yourself stress-free.
Sagittarius (23 November – 21 December)
There shall be a relief in the stress, tensions and the restlessness that you were facing from last few weeks. The first half of the week is indicating few changes at work place whereas the last part of the week is auspicious for some more hopes in income area. The last two days of the week are bad for your health, happiness and decision making. You are advised not to take any important decision especially about property and investment during these last days of the week.
Capricorn (22 December – 20 January)
Your hidden talent to fix the problems shall be at its best in this week. You shall make the things easier through your regular social networking practices. Your gains would remain intact. The first half of the week indicates frequent journeys especially to historical and religious places. The latter half of the week is favorable for work and it would be good to expand your business. You might make up your mind to make some important decision regarding your relationship by the end of this week.
Aquarius (21 January – 19 February)
Your desires shall be very high this week. Your maximum concentration shall be towards your love relationship. You would be spending quality time with your partner. In addition to that you shall start seeing a gradual improvement in your health, happiness, destiny, working efficiency and energy levels in from the mid of this week. You would take interest in higher education, religious institutions, charity and philanthropic activities. You will be attaining more stability in work area.
Pisces (20 February – 20 March)
The beginning of the week indicates happy associations, good luck, financial betterment and several good things whereas the latter half of the week is not auspicious for health, happiness and luck. You are likely to face some bitterness in your relationship too. You are advised to be cautious about your food habits. You are likely to face some stomach related disorder too. It would be better to go for a medical checkup so that you might get benefited if the physician alerts you about some problem.

The astrologer advises you to read the below given predictions from your ascendant sign. If you do not know your ascendant sign then read the same from Moon sign. If Moon sign is also not known then read it from the Zodiac sign. The ascendant sign which is calculated from the birth details viz. date, month, year, time & place of birth gives 85 % accurate predictions. The accuracy of predictions from Moon sign gets limited to only 50 %. The predictions from Zodiac sign are only 25 % accurate. In nutshell the predictions from ascendant sign are most accurate. In getting personality analysis the traits given by ascendant sign are 100 % accurate. Similarly the horoscope predictions obtained from ascendant sign are most accurate and that is the essence of Vedic