Actor Rajkummar Rao said for him, the process of acting is extremely pure and he never lets ego come in the way. Rao has been paired with Kangana Ranaut for a quirky thriller, ‘Mental Hai Kya’. The film reunites the two actors after ‘Queen’.
Post ‘Queen’, things changed for Ranaut and today Rao is known for his popularity in both critically and commercially acclaimed films. Asked if there would be ego clashes as both Ranaut and him have become big stars, Rao said, “No. Trust me, for me acting is not about ego. It is something very pure, it’s about dealing with pure emotions.”
“(So), how can you put your ego in that?” he said. “We haven’t started shooting yet. But I really like Kangana. We have done a film together, ‘Queen’, which is a cult. So, I am obviously looking forward to get to the sets now,” Rao said.
‘Pure’ actor
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