How to Improve Your Sperm Quality 

Sperm Quality

Having a healthy baby is a crucial phase in your parenthood. So, what if you can improve or increase your chances of fertility and help your woman to have a healthy pregnancy-yes that’s possible by elevating your sperm health. 

Many men face sperm quality issues affected by factors including smoking, obesity, age, and some environmental factors. We have good news for you. Just with simple changes to your lifestyle and natural remedies, and leveraging the benefits of pumpkin seeds, turmeric, and other foods, you can experience a significant difference in sperm quality.

This blog acquaints you with the importance of sperm quality and what you should do to improve it.

Why is Sperm Quality Important?

Your sperm quality defines your fertility and how healthy a baby your woman can conceive. The question arises: how do you assess good quality sperm? Usually, sperm is defined as a quality if the semen discharged in a single ejaculation has at least 15 million sperm per millilitre. The next factor that counts a sperm as good is its motility through the female cervix, uterus, and fallopian tubes. If these factors are met in your sperm, you can increase the chances of impregnating your lady and having a healthy baby. 

What to Do to Improve Sperm Quality? 

We believe most men want to improve their sperm quality, so we have come up with some simple and effective ways here: 

  • Try Consuming a Nutrient-Rich Diet 

Whatever you eat contributes to your sperm quality. If you add nutrient-dense foods like vegetables, fruits, and healthy fats, it can boost your sperm quality significantly. Moreover, you can consider adding pumpkin seeds to your diet. Surprisingly, it is known to increase sperm production and testosterone levels with a rich presence of zinc and omega-3 fatty acids. 

  • Indulge in Physical Activities 

Do you exercise often? If not, you should start indulging in these activities to stay active. It helps you maintain good sperm health. Exercising allows you to boost blood circulation, balance your hormones, and keep body weight in check. Do remember that you don’t need to overdo it beyond your capacity. 

  • Don’t Smoke or Drink Excessively 

If you drink heavily, cutting down on it or quitting can improve your sperm quality. As per some studies, smoking is directly linked to poor sperm motility and irregular shapes. On the other hand, consuming alcohol in excessive amounts can reduce your testosterone levels, impacting your sperm count. 

  • Consume Turmeric Milk 

Nothing can beat natural remedies, and what can be better than turmeric milk found in your kitchen? This doesn’t just keep you warm but has abundant antioxidants that protect your sperm from oxidative stress. It hugely causes damage to your sperm. This is why you should include antioxidant-rich foods in your routine. 


Improving your sperm quality doesn’t ask for much of your effort. Relying on natural remedies and taking the maximum benefits of turmeric milk, fruits, and vegetables combined with regular exercise can make a big difference in your life.  

Before making any changes to your reproductive health, do consult a doctor first. 

Also ReadWhy young men must be aware of testicular cancer

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