Sabja Seeds Recipes: Falooda & KelaSabja Mudita

Sabja Seeds

Madhumati Tyagi

Sabja seeds are no calorie adding jellylike seeds that add taste, flavor to the dish and go well with fruits, ice creams.

Falooda: Sabja seeds Falooda is quite a popular dessert in many parts of Bharat. It is made with rose milk, fresh fruits and is an absolute delight, if you have sweet tooth.


  • 500 ml chilled 2% or whole milk
  • 3 tsps. of soaked Sabja seeds
  • 2 tsps. Rose syrup or Roohafza
  • ½ cup Falooda soaked in water for 2 hours and cooked later/use cooked Vermicelli
  • 150 grams sugar
  • Few scoops vanilla ice cream
  • 50 grams tutti-frutti
  • Fresh cut fruits like apple, grapes, banana and ripe mango


  • Add sugar to the chilled milk and stir until it dissolves.
  • Drain the soaked Falooda and keep it aside.
  • In a medium size pan, boil Falooda until it turns soft.
  • In large serving glasses, add soaked Sabja seeds and roohafza
  • Pour chilled milk, Place a scoop of ice cream
  • Sprinkle tutti-frutti and add freshly cut fruits.
  • Garnish it with more Sabja seeds as a topping

Sabja Seeds** In the summer afternoons, serve this delicious chilled drink with big smile. In other seasons, serve this nectar drink by using normal temperature drink. Consuming cold things often damages your Jatharagni /digestive fire/power and gut health.

Note: Milk and ice cream are rich in calcium, phosphorous and protein, while fresh fruits and tutti frutti provide vitamins and minerals including Vitamin A, Vitamin C and antioxidants.  Sabja seeds not only add taste but also keep you satiated for longer hours

KelaSabja Mudita

Mudita means Joy in Sanskrit. Banana are powerhouse of vitamins especially B6 and minerals. Oats are rich in fiber just like Sabja seeds. Consuming soaked Sabja seeds daily aids in digestion and in relieving other stomach related issues. While nuts are loaded with nutrients, essential fats and boost immunity, and memory. Milk is a source of calcium and protein that can keep you energized for rest of the day. This tasty and delicious Mudita provide you with great energy levels to kick start your day.


  • 30 grams of roasted and powdered oats
  • 250 ml low fat/almond milk
  • 2 tsps. of soaked Sabja seeds
  • 1 tsp finely chopped cashew or walnuts
  • 1 tsp slivered almond
  • 1 tsp walnut, finely chopped
  • 1 tsp dates/1 tsp raisins
  • 1 fresh banana cut or you can also use ½ apple sliced



  • In a glass bowl, add milk and powdered oats
  • Keep the bowl aside for 5-6 minutes
  • Add sliced banana or apple
  • Top it with cashew/walnuts, almonds, dates/raisins
  • Pour soaked Sabja seeds on the top
  • Gently stir it with a spoon
  • Consume it in the morning as a breakfast

Note: Make sure not to use too cold milk as it reduces the level of your  Jatharagni /digestive fire/power and affects gut health

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