AAUC Summit 2024 – An Annual Event – Sharing Voices of Our Communities at Capital Hill


Angela Anand

The United States of America, the most admired global leader of democracy, is providing a forum to the candidates from two main political parties to share their strategies to lead the country for domestic policies and issues dealing with geopolitics. Economy, immigration and foreign policy were the main topics of a national debate recently. These are the topics on the mind of all citizens including Asian diaspora.

We, at AAUC, a non-profit organization of diverse membership, are presenting “voices of our communities” on September 19-20, 2024, in Washington DC. Asians as a group are moving on the path of economic growth with great speed and achieving success. Our communities feel we must do better as tax-paying, hard working, respected citizens of the country. Our aspirations and challenges are part of the multi-cultural and multi-ethnic fabric of the society. Media has used the title of model minorities due to peace loving demeanor of the people but under the surface are feelings of unfairness and presence of inequities.

While on a macro level, there are many competing issues, but on a micro level, it is our challenges that we must share in terms of unfair discrimination and immigration issues as well as availing opportunities to grow our families, businesses, and receive just treatment judiciously and legislatively.

This is overall theme of the platform for this annual event, Summit 2024, where our delegates are the speakers. We hope to meet many of our elected officials and share our collectively stories of triumphs and missing the target outcome.

As the president of AAUC, I am delighted to offer our delegates this opportunity to gather, speak and network. It is our honor and great privilege to invite policy makers to meet our multi ethnic groups, coming from different states, and also address in terms of what is in the planning and how some of the issues of importance to our delegates are being discussed legislatively.

(The author Angela Anand is AAUC President)

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