Yogesh Thakkar
CHICAGO: Shree Jalaram Mandir Chicago celebrated Jalaram Bapa’s Punya Tithi on November 17 with hundreds of devotees and guests flocking at the Jalaram Mandir on Huffman Estate, a north side suburb of Chicago.
The event started with Kaish puja, Dhaja puja, Maha puja, and Ankut. The main yajmans were Shree Manishbhai and Asmitaben Patel and also Dr. Kamalbhai and Charuben Vibhakar.

The highlight was fine performances by a number of kids and young devotees. It was Mandir Balvihar that orchestrated this fine cultural program where 100 kids participated and received trophy from Shree Kalpeshbhai and Deepaben Modi. Members of the audience really appreciated and cheered the performances by kids.
The culmination of the evening program was bhajan sandhya by Shree Sailendra Bharti. Maha Prasad was distributed to all 700 of devotees. Overall, with the support of the community the events were successful and were celebrated with immense excitement and joy.