CHICAGO: A spiritual guru from India with a very large following in USA and Canada, Sudhanshu Ji Maharaj, is coming to Chicago one more time and his host Vishwa Jagriti Mission of North America(VJMN) has chalked out a four-day crowded program beginning July 24 and culminating with a final session – Amrit Varsha – on July 28.
Sudhir Kumar, a VJMN spokesman said that the program will start with Discourses on Thursday, July 24 at Hindu Temple of Greater Chicago at 7 pm which will be followed with two more discourse – Friday July 25 at the Hindu Temple and Saturday, July 26 at Naperville campus at 7 pm. “Maharaj Ji will talk on subjects that have spiritual content but with a twist that would have impact on day-to-day life. The topics that Mahraraj Ji plans covering this time are: Karma and Destiny, Path for Salvation (Mukti Ka Marg) and Stress Free Life. ”
“It is this characteristic of Maharaj Ji seeking a palatable mix of the age old spiritual wisdom with modern day thinking that attracts huge audience wherever he goes,” Kumar observed.
Kumar further said that Maharaj Ji will conduct Meditation Workshop on Saturday and Sunday July 26 and July 27 starting morning at 7-30 am to 10-30 am both days. The culmination will be on Sunday July 28 at 11 am which will end with Mahaprasad at 3-30 pm. “The Meditation workshops and Michigan LakAmtrit Varsha require pre-registrations,” Kumar pointed out.
Sudhanshuji came here two years ago accompanied by Guru Ma and Archika Ji, who is also a very inspiring speaker and quite well versed in ancient texts and scriptures.
Sudhir Kumar said that all through the ages, God has been sending His messengers to create awareness and enlightenment in the world dispelling darkness and eradicate evils. Ved Vyas, Valmiki, Adi Shankaracharya, Buddha, and Swami Vivekananda to name but a few. Sudhanshuji Maharaj is of the same mould expounding the inner self and spreading the message of God.
On May 2, 1955 among the lush green Himalayan Valleys of Saharanpur was born a child prodigy who was destined to become a pathfinder to millions. The eldest son of the Shiva-devotee mother was named Yashpal. As a child Yashpal was fearless and seeker of truth.
He spent most of his childhood in proximity to Nature and sought knowledge from epics in the vicinity of Mother Nature.
Mesmerized by the unexplored beauty of Nature, he would sit for hours in solitude chanting the holy name of the Lord and marveling at the Divine Sport of the Almighty. Educated at Gurukul, he read, studied and devoured the Vedas, Upanishads, Sanskrit grammar and astrology.
After “Self Realization” dawned on him, he felt the urge to explore the cultural and spiritual profundity of India. It seemed like a divine call for him to spread the spell-binding depth of Indian Spiritual thought to every corner of the world.
On March 24, 1991, on the auspicious Ramnavami day, he established the Vishwa Jagriti Mission to work towards the Spiritual Elevation of the teeming millions. He has remained a staunch exponent of Indology, Indian philosophical thought and Yogic Sciences.
Ramesh Soparawala
India Post News Service