My Pageant experience: I did win Miss Photogenic!

pageantweb1I participated in Mrs. Asia, USA pageant in Los Angeles on November 17. This was my first experience at being part of any pageant. I am glad that I was asked to participate because I probably would never have volunteered on my own.
Thanks to JS Bedi, reporter at India Post, for nominating me and Virgelia Villegas, producer of the pageant for accepting me in the pageant. Their faith and support kept me going till the end.
I won Miss Photogenic and was 3rd runner up! I feel blessed to have had this experience. I am still learning how to let go of my inner fears and tell my stories freely. On the pageant night
I had the opportunity to share with the judges my stories and dreams, my struggles and accomplishments with pride but I did not share them. I hesitated. That probably played a role in how they saw me. But this is my journey and I am learning my lessons as I go. I am sometimes surprised at my own strengths and also when I find and face my own weaknesses. Some make me shine and some do make me cry. I am learning that it is okay to grieve. This is part of being human! I am learning not to judge myself for my shortcomings or discomforts but use them for lessons to keep improving and making my life better from here on.
I did not win the pageant. I am so busy in building my new life and I also have just started school again. I really did not have time to fulfill the demanding schedule for the crown holder. But, I won’t say I was not disappointed. It took me a day to make my peace and accept my placement; especially because almost everyone on the pageant staff and even most the fellow delegates said they expected me to win. I did win the Miss photogenic, it is great!
The best part of the pageant for me was that I was able to wear my son Rahul’s design as my evening gown in the competition. I am also very excited that my mom, both my sons (Kunal and Rahul) and young Nancy (the daughter I never had) I am mentoring were there to support me along with all my friends from LA and some friends who traveled from Michigan.
I am truly blessed that they think I am a winner in their eyes. My dear friend Gordon Bahn who helped me look beautiful (hair and makeup artist) also helped me stay focused and calm through the two day competition process.
I learned a lot from our coaching team Joey, Alfredo and Tommy. I had a great time with my fellow delegates and made some new friends. I enjoyed our every Sunday rehearsals but I am glad they are over so I can get back to work and homework from school now. I have just started my MA in Spiritual Psychology at University of Santa Monica and I have a lot of homework piled up because I was so busy with the pageant.
I know my Malibu Chronicle team is waiting to have me back full time again. I am committed to bringing out our Holiday season glossy print magazine.

Veera Mahajan 

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