CHICAGO: The Gandhi Samaj of Chicago (GSC) unanimously elected Keyur Ghayal as its President for 2016 and 2017, who, in turn, selected, as per the by-laws of the organization, his team for the year 2016.
The new team comprises Keyur Ghayal (President), Hitesh Gandhi (Executive Vice President), Bhumika V. Gandhi (Vice President); Ashwin Bodalia (Treasurer), Manhar Gajjar (Secretary), Roma Bhagat (Cultural Secretary), Ramesh Gandhi, Bharat Ghayal, Dipak Ghayal, Hary Gandhi, Hiren Ghayal, and Hiral Gandhi (Joint Secretary), Priya Ghayal (Youth Secretary).
“GSC is a 32-year-old organization which has been led by a number of eminent persons in the past. I take this opportunity to pay rich tributes to them for putting their best foot forward for bringing laurels to the GSC in the US”, said Keyur Ghayal.
Keyur Ghayal said that the top priority of his team would be to preserve, protect, and defend the integrity and credibility of the GSC. Hitesh Gandhi, the Executive Vice President, said that the new team would strive for the GSC’s objectives to achieve and promote unity amongst the members while helping the community to enhance cultural awareness via education and also through celebration of festivals such as Diwali and Navratri.
He said that he would conceptualize and execute a number of innovative events aimed at preserving the unique culture and heritage of India by involving members belonging to different age groups.
“My vision is also to expand the membership base of the GSC in order to make it an effective platform for providing guidance and support”, he added.
Bhumika Gandhi, the Vice President said that her focus will be on involving the youth in the activities of the GSC by organizing a number of events in accordance with their felt needs.
“We propose to organize ‘Youth Career Planning Seminar’ on January 31st 2016, in order to expose the youth to the emerging, newer, and innovative career and educational opportunities”, she added.
Asian Media USA