CHICAGO: Chicago Multi Ethnic Advisory Task Force (MEATF) and American Multi Ethnic Coalition (AMEC) joined Friends of Rishi Agrawal, to host a media meet at Udupi Palace Restaurant on Devon Avenue to announce his candidacy for Cook County Judge – 8th Sub circuit.
An attorney practicing for almost 20 years, if elected Rishi Agrawal will the first ever male Asian-American elected to the bench in Cook County.
Kishore Mehta, Chairman MEATF opened the press conference welcoming and thanking the Media partners and appreciating their contribution to society. He talked about the primary goal of these two organizations and mentioned that their support for Rishi is with a view to giving a fresh momentum to his perspective; validate his pledge of leadership and services to the community besides creating public awareness about Rishi’s qualification to be the next Judge for the 8th Sub circuit of Cook County.
Kishore Mehta then went on to introduce Dr. Zenobia Sowell, a well-known DDS, philanthropist and Secretary General of AMEC. Dr Sowell in her remarks thanked everyone and requested them to participate and make a few phone calls for Rishi Agrawal
Dr. Vijay Prabhakar, President of AMEC and Founder Chair for MEATF, gave a clear picture of the effective role played by AMEC and MEATF in the progress of our society and how they work so that minorities get more prospects and influence. Elaborating he added that everyone in these groups is a volunteer, and they do their best to achieve the best possible results.
Candidate Rishi Agrawal talked about why he is qualified for the judgeship of 8th sub circuit of Cook County during open floor for the press questions.

Sohan Joshi, a community activist and AMEC treasurer, thanked all Media partners, AMEC committee members and all distinguished guests including Dr Bhanu Sharma, Kishore Joshi and Udupi restaurant staff for their courteous services.
Rishi Agrawal during his two decades of legal practice has handled murder trials, million dollar commercial litigation trials, as well as divorce and small business related matters. Additionally, he has been found qualified or recommended by each Bar Association in Chicago.
Another facet of his qualifications is that Rishi has been a community leader for many years. He continues to serve as an elected parent member of the South Loop Elementary School Local School Council and as Secretary of the Board of the Indo-American Center, an organization that serves the immigrant community.
Social justice has long been a family tradition. Rishi’s grandparents fought the British during India’s Non-Violent Independence Movement under Mahatma Gandhi. They were jailed several times by the British for non-violent protests. This tradition of service and a focus on justice is a necessary qualification which will serve him well while delivering judgments from the bench.
Madhu Patel