Story of Rohan Pandya Who Quit his Job for Don’t get serious!

Blogging is a term easy in listening, but is it really that easy as it seems from outside? Well, if that is the case then Bollywood is definitely a glamorous world, right? Friends, blogging is not a cup of tea for everyone unless and untill they have passion to become a passionate blogger, like Rohan did! (Don’t Get Serious Has 1.5 Million Followers)

Yes, Rohan! You might be thinking who is this guy, correct? Rohan Pandya, a proud owner of his dreams, his love “Don’t get serious”. A guy with dreams in his eyes, a guy with passion to become one of the most successful bloggers.

How Rohan Stepped into Blogging?

Rohan was living a normal life. The day he came to know about this “Blogging” term, was the day when his life took an amazing turn. Pursuing his course in MBA, in the year 2014, Rohan was enjoying his college life with his friends and then suddenly one day he learned about blogging and started doing research regarding it.

Slowly and gradually he realized that blogging is his only love and he wants to make his career in it and he then created a page “Don’t get serious”. Struggling to get his family’s support, Rohan also worked in a corporate company because his family was against his decision to become a blogger but still, he did not leave his passion and keep working.

Getting organic traffic on website or blog is a daunting task and failures in Rohan’s life were touching the sky, but what was with him was his faith and his commitment towards his page which is now a brand.

Neglecting all the negative thoughts and passing through the toughest challenges, Rohan finally started observing results on his page and now Don’t get serious is a family of more than 1.5 Million people.

Most of the people who liked this page are youngsters because the page is famous for sharing the most unique and creative information. When asked Rohan about his next target he said, “My next aim is to take my brand on a the next level by having 10 million followers by the end of this year 2019”, and when we saw his way of working, we are sure that he will achieve this target.

Dontgetserious gets around 5 lakhs to 1 Million visitors every month. In the month of February 2019 was having 50 lakh users due to valentine’s week event blogging.

Few Success Mantra of Rohan:

  • 1) Be confident and be self-motivated. Ignore what world is saying and keep doing your work.
  • 2) Deliver quality. Don’t run behind money, money will run behind you if you will focus on quality.
  • 3) Do not share your income, it seems like you are showing off.
  • 4) Accept the failures and learn from it.
  • 5) Learn something new each day!
  • 6) Do not ignore the consistency.
  • 7) Create content as unique as possible.

If you want to know more about Rohan you can visit his official website Here, you will get a full tutorial on   how to make money online through blogging and social media which is a bonus point.

Below listed are Social Media handle of Rohan & his blog/page don’t get serious. You can follow for latest updates

Rohan Pandya

Facebook Pages:
Don’t Get Serious
We Don’t Get Serious

Instagram Handle:
Instagram Account

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