India Day celebrations in Chicago

India Day celebrations

Surendra Ullal

It is Indian Independence Day again. What a great thing to shake off years of submitting to the whims and wishes of foreign rulers. The credit should largely go to the Indian freedom fighters who had been waging war of Independence for decades, dating from the year 1857 but culmination came only after leaders like Gandhiji, Sardar Patel, Pandit Nehru, Maulana Azad took command of the situation.

Still credit should go to mass of Indian people who struggled and supported the leaders whole-heartedly. It is the people now who have taken command again and supported great leaders like Narendra Modi voting them to power.

Narendra Modi with the help from many like him is taking India to a new high nationally and internationally. Indians are back in the reckoning with world affairs and hopefully will continue to do so for many years to come now.

What is needed now is unity of purpose and commitment to our age-old ideal of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam. Hopefully we will do so and hopefully this will ensure a India its rightful place in committee of nations.

We at India Post, take this opportunity to greet our esteemed readers, advertisers, well wishes and general public on our Independence Day and pledge our support to the cause of India as a great member of international committee of nations. Long live India and exercise its voice for the good of committee of nations. Jai hind and Jai Bharat

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