Satguru Mata Sudiksha ji Maharaj addresses Seattle Congregation

Satguru Mata Sudiksha
Satuguru Mataji

Prafull Lande

On 8th September 2024, the North America Nirankari West Coast Samagam was held in Seattle, Washington in the divine presence of Her Holiness Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj and Rajpita Ramit Ji. This event was held from 11 AM to 3 PM at McCaw Hall in Seattle Downtown. Over 2500 saints from all around North America attended this samagam.

Satguru Mata Sudiksha

At the samagam, there was an exhibition where saints from various branches presented their models and exhibits on the samagam’s theme: Peace Within. Each branch’s representatives got the opportunity to present their models and exhibits in front of Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj and Rajpita Ramit Ji. Afterwards, the exhibition was opened to the public and the branch representatives stayed near their models and exhibits to answer questions from the rest of the visitors.

During the congregation portion of the samagam, various saints from different branches got the opportunity to share their thoughts regarding the topic of Peace Within. Several saints shared their personal experiences of times when they lost their sense of peace and regained that inner peace by seeking the support of Nirankar. Other saints sang devotional hymns that raised the enthusiasm of the audience. Some saints also recited beautiful and thought-provoking poems to spread the message of inner peace in an artistic manner.

Several dignitaries from the greater Seattle area also had the opportunity to attend the samagam. These dignitaries included the Mayor of Bellevue, the Indian Consulate, and several members of the Interfaith Community Sanctuary. All of them expressed their enthusiasm for the samagam and welcomed Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj and Rajpita Ramit Ji to Seattle.

Satguru Mata Sudiksha
DrRai ji

Near the end of the congregation, Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj and Rajpita Ramit Ji blessed all the attendees with their divine wisdom and guided everyone towards the path of inner peace. Nirankari Rajpita Ji graced the entire Samagam with a beautiful and thought provoking speech. He emphasized that although we desire peace, we often fail to choose the right path to attain it. He pointed out the contradiction in wanting peace while following the same patterns that lead us away from it. Rajpita Ji explained that when one begins to walk the spiritual path with the realization of God, they start receiving answers and experiencing inner peace. He reminded everyone that God is always ready to reside in our hearts, but posed the important question: are we ready to let Him in? He further reflected on how we often resist transformation, asking whether we are truly willing to change. His message concluded with the powerful reminder that love is our true essence, and all we need to do is realize this one truth and connect with the one formless God and live our life truly as peace within.

Satguru Mata Sudiksha Ji Maharaj explained that those who maintain a connection with Nirankar always have inner peace. She further discussed that many times we lose our sense of peace because of our interactions with the people around us. We fall prey to rumors and assumptions about others that may not even be true. This results in us becoming judgmental and hateful towards others, which causes us to lose our inner peace. Instead, when we look through the lens of Nirankar, we see only the good qualities within everyone and have peaceful interactions with them. Similarly, if we apply this to the troubles in our life and view them as Nirankar’s will, then we will see positivity even in the times of adversity and maintain a sense of peace.

Satguru Mata Sudiksha

The Sant Nirankari Mission is a spiritual organization. It emphasizes the importance of self-realization and devotion to God, promoting universal love, peace, and service to humanity. The Mission advocates for a direct, personal experience of the divine, transcending religious boundaries and fostering harmony among diverse communities. Through spiritual gatherings, social service initiatives, and educational programs, the Mission aims to uplift individuals and society as a whole, encouraging followers to lead a life of compassion and moral integrity. For more info visit

(Inputs from Seattle media team)

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