Dr V.K. Patel, 74, of Skokie, Illinois passed away on August 27 at Manor Care Nursing Home after a lengthy battle with thyroid cancer.
His dignified and customary “Hindu” cremation was performed at Bohemian National Cemetery of Chicago on Thursday August 28 in the afternoon. David Pimm, Funeral Director, personally arranged all ends of the ritual as per Hindu Cremation Code of Ethics and Guidelines. Rajubhai Jani, Priest, guided his son Dr Satyen Patel to perform the “Antim Vidayi” rituals in the presence of over 500 people including close relatives, friends, and various members of Chicagoland area organizations. Many prominent community leaders, businessmen, doctors, pharmacists, trustees and dignitaries attended the last ceremony
Dr Patel had his degree in medicine from the M.P. Shah Medical College in Jamnagur and came to this country in June 1972 for further studies.
He started his professional career in 1978 and provided medical services for 36 years in several Chicagoland hospitals besides running his practice as a family physician and pediatrician in Chicago. He was socially active and was associated with Gujarat Pragati Mandal, Gujarati Cultural Association, Gujarat Samaj of Chicago, the Manav Seva Mandir and the American Association of Physicians of Indian Origin (AAPI). Dr Patel was one of the founding members of the Kadva Patidar Samaj of Chicago (KPS) and conducted philanthropic activities in India such as the Langhnaj Educational Trust and Dharati.
Son of Kahandas Patel and Jadiba Patel, he was born in Langhnaj, India. Dr Patel was a loving father, grandfather, brother, community leader, and friend. He will be missed dearly.
Dr Patel is survived by his wife, Premila Patel, daughter Seema Patel, son and daughter-in-law, Dr Satyen and Dipti Patel, two grandchildren and an extended family encompassing many nieces, nephews, and in-laws.
Jayanti Ojha