CHICAGO: Cook County Treasurer Maria Pappas has asked about 39,100 property owners to pay their delinquent bills immediately to prevent their unpaid taxes from being offered for auction at the Annual Tax Sale that starts Friday, May 4.
About 16,000 owners may be unaware of the tax sale because the U.S. Postal Service has returned their bills and subsequent notices.
“For most of us, our home is our biggest investment,” Pappas said here. “Don’t risk losing it for an unpaid bill.”
Pappas’ warning was for owners of homes, businesses and land with unpaid bills for Tax Year 2016 (originally due in 2017). To see if your property taxes are delinquent, go to cookcountytreasurer.com and select “Avoid the Tax Sale.”
To ensure that payments are recorded before the Tax Sale begins, property owners can:
• Pay at cookcountytreasurer.com by 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2018
• Pay in person with cash, certified check, cashier’s check or money order. Personal checks are not accepted.
After a Tax Sale, to prevent losing title to their property, owners must repay the delinquent taxes, penalties and fees at the Cook County Clerk’s Office.
Ramesh Soparawala
India Post News Service